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Version Number : 0.9.1550.32

  • Improved help windows in the battle.
  • Kailano's Trident Lightning Fall's gem is now not reinforced in Casual difficulty.
  • Replaced gem's color with gem's action in the descriptions to improve accessibility.
    • white gem -> P-Attack gem
    • orange gem -> M-Attack gem
    • blue gem -> Guard gem
    • green gem -> Heal gem
    • yellow gem -> P-Skill gem
    • purple gem -> M-Skill gem
  • Updated Mohtir's Punishment Scene
  • Added Mohtir's Punishment CGs
  • Added System Save File:
    • Scenes and CGs you have unlocked will now be saved into system.dat, allowing you to back up the file or transfer the file easily.




Awesome! Will Kailano's scene be updated in this fashion or will that be included in the next major update?


It depends on the artist. Since the game can still progress without this part, I'd like to wait for a little longe. The artist is experiencing some personal problems right now. - Punipen


What's the scene in the upper right? Only one I haven't opened up


That's Cyrus punishment scene. There was a bug that didn't' unlock it earlier. Replaying the scene again should fix it. - Punipen


Could you upload the system.dat by any chance?


where is system save file ;w;


If you mean the file the game create, it'll be inside savedata folder. If you mean the file from us where everything is unlocked, we'll upload it soon. - Punipen

Cory Bressi

I love your game and your art and i've been a patreon for years now and sorry if this is the wrong place for this and I am wondering. Do we need to replay the fight to get it update or unlock or does it just appear? I have it in the itch client. It says it's the correct version; however when i go to the gallery the CG's aren't there and the Mothir's Punishment seem is the same one as before.


Thank you so much! As for your question, anything you have unlocked should just appear and you don't need to replay it again. If the punishment is still the same one, it's likely that you don't get the latest version. You can try forcing the game to update again. If that doesn't work, then I think you might need to backup your save files and re-install the game. I'm going to upload a system file where all the scenes and CGs are unlocked, so even after you re-install the game, you don't have to replay everything to unlock them. - Punipen

Cory Bressi

Thank you so much for your very timely response and it worked and everything is unlocked. Great game and great customer support. =-)


I'm not sure if this has been reported elsewhere, or if im just doing something wrong, but it appears that there is a bug that stops magic and physical charge gems from actually charging your abilities. Sometimes they do, but almost never.


I don't think this has been reported yet. We'll take note of it, thanks! - Punipen