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Hi, everyone. I have an announcement to make regarding coloring of the CGs in the game. CGs in the game will be colored by various artists who aren't Nullghost. 

Due to the amount of work, leaving everything from start to finish to Nullghost alone is too much. It's a common practice for a game of this size to have more than one artists in an area like coloring art assets in the game. This wasn't an option for us before due to the lack of funding. But thanks to your support, we are able to hire more artists to help with the art assets in the game. 

I understand that the decision might disappoint some of you, but if we don't do this, the game will take too long to finish. With the goal of finishing the game as soon as possible in mind, as well as considering the size of our team and the source of funding, this seems to be the most practical option for us. 

We'll do our best to control the quality and consistency of CGs in the game. We can also revisit art assets and replace them later. But right now, the goal is to finish a playable game, from start to finish.

- Punipen



I see no problem in that. It's a benefit to everyone on the staff as it provides more free time for null and allows new artists to help with the project. Having you all work together is an excellent compromise and it hopefully won't look too different from what we are used to. I also believe you shouldn't worry as much about finishing asap, but to focus more on detail and making sure things are as crisp as you'd like. Quality over quantity (Chapter release wise).


Definitely. We'll try our best to balance between speed and quality. Thank you for understanding! - Punipen


I enjoy the variety of art in the game! All your artists are very talented, and I'm glad to see their different work.


I think that's a perfectly valid idea! I'm sure the game will look great regardless. Thanks for keeping us up to date!

Andrew Whelan

Doing art for video games is a lot of work. I'm glad you found a team with such talent!

Solitary Hyena

As long as it increases the time it takes to actually finish the game, sure. But I think many people have seen that the game has taken quite a lengthy time to finish already, I'm hoping that we will see results from it in terms of decreased leangth.


Its a great decision with a Project that big and using more people helps a lot.


Were people complaining about the coloring? I mean the color is more saturated than previously, but it’s nothing that noticeable or bad.


No, but I want to make it clear so there's no confusion as some people might expect every art to be done by Nullghost. - Punipen


Many people misunderstand thinking that we spend time solely on this project for 5 years, while in reality the first three years we had spent time finishing other games while working on this game in our free time, using the money we got from other projects as well as our IRL jobs and some donations from people. It's been only two years where we finally got to focus more on Kemo Coliseum because we have enough funding from Patreon. - Punipen


That is a good decision to make for now. I’m sure pretty much all the supporters will be happy to get to play the game faster with this decision. I kinda will still miss Nulls coloring of the punishment CGs and a have small hope that They will be recolored by him later on.


I think that in some places it is perfectly fine to have other people do the artwork. It relieves stress on the main artist and allows for expediency. Even with just the background characters. I don't know. I play a lot of Shadowverse and it uses wildly different art for some of the main characters (and coloring styles) but I still like it. As long as they look good together that is what matters.