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I've always wanted to talk about this for a while now. Apparently, an unknown $10 supporter posted the punishment scenes of Darius on Tumblr a few months ago. And now the scenes are spreading every where, spoiling many people's experiences before they even get to play the game.

I understand full well that digital contents cannot be controlled and sooner or later they will be spread. We don't mind if contents in the game are spread, if those contents are already available in the current release.

However, Darius' punishment scenes are not even in the game yet. Spreading them right now is doing nothing but ruining the surprise. It also really affects our morale. We're a very small group and working on the game is already difficult enough. Dealing with this isn't helping us at all. It's very sad to see someone breaking our trust like this. Worse yet, they even seemed to be proud of it.

Because of this, from now on, a new set of images will be added to the gallery only when it's available in the game, not as soon as it's finished. I hope you will understand our decision.

- Punipen




Many prefer to see the CG to actually playing this game


That isn't the problem. I don't mind if people don't like the game or find it too bothersome to play or don't care about the writing and just want to enjoy looking at the CGs. We have made many games before so this is nothing new. There'll always be people who think that why wasting time going through the game when they just want to see erotic illustrations. And that's valid. Leaking unreleased contents is the problem here. It hurts our motivation when we know that what we've been planning to surprise people are now spoiled. And when it's released so widely without any warning like this, it also hurts those who prefer actually playing the game to see the CGs with context. - Punipen


Keep your eyes open. The man who leaked the URL must be in this community. I think this made the $10 reward less valuable... but I'm alright, no problem. I hope this measure will work out, and any problem won't happen. By the way, will you attend Kemoket 7 in Tokyo? There were no space for your circle in Kansai and the Spring Kemoket. I REALLY want to purchase some stuffs from your circle (Kemocolo goods will be better). The deadline of the attendance is Febuary 26. Please consider this if you don't mind.


Thank you! I don't really want to suspect anyone here. We'll also come up with a way to thank people who have been supporting us as well, though right now I really want to prioritize finishing the game first. We will be attending Kemoket 7 in Tokyo! Already submitted the application so let's see if we will get a space. I am hoping to finish more of the game by that time and release some kemocolo goods as well. Will keep you update on here for sure if there's any progress on that :D - Punipen


I've been so busy with work and other games that I actually haven't played Kemo Coliseum at all lately, but I'm sticking with the $10 patron donation every month because I love puzzle games. And a bara puzzle game is refreshing to see... To be honest, I've been wasting a lot of time playing Puyo Puyo Tetris actually. lol


Thank you so much! And I love Puyo Puyo series too! Still haven't gotten a chance to play Puyo Puyo Tetris though T_T - Punipen


It's coming out for PC/Steam on Feb. 23, if you don't plan on getting it for Switch or PS4.


But you can totally chain in Tetris. Have you ever heard of 4wide? Oooh, can't wait to play PPT with you then. :) <a href="https://clips.twitch.tv/SpotlessCautiousSpiderBigBrother?tt_medium=clips_api&amp;tt_content=url" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://clips.twitch.tv/SpotlessCautiousSpiderBigBrother?tt_medium=clips_api&amp;tt_content=url</a>

Sangie Nativus

Fuckers ruining it for everyone else...


I suggest adding a higher tier for sharing scenes before they are added to the game, then you can send them personally to each patron of that tier, that’s how some solved the unauthorized sharing issue..


That's actually what we're doing with $10 pledge. There is no way to solve this since in the end when the supporter gets a hold of the digital file, all we can do is to trust them that they'll be considerate of us and others enough. - Punipen


At first sight I thought it was a fanart. So sad.


You should release images 3 or 2 weeks before the release of the update, but only images that are going to be in that update. Because with this we don't have more privileges than patreons of 3 dlls. And I have two months asking for have access to the gallery. :/


The images for Patreon will be in higher quality. You will still also have an access to the gallery even when you switch your pledge to lower level. If you don't want to spend $10 two times, I can also give you a refund if you want. - Punipen


Fair enough, it seems like a good solution.


It's an unfortunate fact that people will always take advantage of trust like this. Waiting till the updates come out does seem like the only solution here, it will not eliminate spoilers entirely since people can still share them as soon as they're available but it's better than the current situation for sure.


Aww man... I'm sorry you guys are having to deal with this. That's so lame. :


That sucks, that people are thinking thats their own work and reupload it elsewhere. I can absolutely understand your decision. Also you could provide the pictures blurred or with a HUGE watermark and then release it. If it doesnt affect that much patreons, I would try to trick them somehow like personalized folders with file names which can't be changed or so ;-)


That really is awful. I can see why you'd be disappointed. I'm kind of torn; the access to the gallery is what I've been waiting for for rewards and what I wanted to support getting access to. Does this mean that art will only be put out with new updates of the game itself? If that's the case...I dunno. It might be my disappointment talking, but I feel like there has to be another way to deal with this than punishing those of us who want to play by the rules too. Would the watermark ideas be a solution?


I guess I'm just frustrated cause this was the reward that I wanted to sign up for and now I'm not sure how I feel about it. I know you can't keep everyone happy and I'm trying to be understanding, but I wish there was a way to solve this without ruining it for the people for whom the early gallery access was the reason they wanted to sign up.


Someone do a hack and figure out who that is then ban that IP from reaching the CG Gallery

Solitary Hyena

Understood, it's a better way to regulate the CG gallery, especially since the internet is quite free for many.