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Report - http://kemocoloreport.tumblr.com/private/110457824094/tumblr_njgu40Ahwn1u4loue The first report of February is here! This time, we introduce a new NPC that will appear in the first chapter. - Punipen


26th January - 8th February 2015

26th January - 8th February 2015 Hi, everyone! The first report of February 2015 is here! Let's take a look at what we did in the past two weeks. Programming New Build During last week, we released a...


Beastly Feastly

Sounds good to me! P.S. I think the semi-erect bridge would look good on Volga's visual novel sprite while depicted in his underwear. (The one on the left!) (^_^) <3


any news on the demo reupload? T_T


Agreed, I'd like to give the game a go but can't, the link brings a 404 error ;^;


The bulge on the right is MUCH hotter~ By the way is the current state of the game still completely in Japanese language, or is there an English choice somewhere inside? The whole 1st quest is in Japanese and I hated not being able to understand... :c Not demanding or anything, it's fine. I was just wondering.


You can change the language by editing the config.ini file with a text editor :) - Punipen


I have to say: what a very nice start of the game! And it's only a demo! Awesome work, to all involved! As means of contributing my 2 cents, are you in need of a proofreader I've noticed some spelling and grammatical errors. Would it be ok if I took a crack in removing these? Let me know! Again, awesome game, and I for one cannot wait for the finished product!