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Hi everyone,

So, at first I was going to make an announcement that addresses the new Patreon fee. Thanks to all the creators who voiced their concerns, Patreon changed their mind and won't be rolling out the new fee system. Yay!

To be honest, it was kind of upsetting, especially the whole thing was happening while I was on the trip. I'm glad they decided to withdraw the change. I'm against it, considering it'll put more burden on the supporters, and I'm already happy with the amount of fee we have to pay so far.

In any case, here's a teasing image of one of Kakula's punishment scenes. Looks like that smug on his face is gone now :P

- Punipen




Glad to hear your thoughts on this. I wasn't against the change per se, though it was heavily weighted against those who support multiple creators despite being a fairly small amount for each one. Murr. Kakula is such a handsome cat. I can't wait to see this scene in the game.


I can wait no longer. orz


I personally didn't really like the changes that they wanted to make but I would have put up with it if it would have gone through. Needless to say I'm happy it did not. Now onto Kakulas image, it was actually suprising for me that I feel bad for Kakula for being punished when I'm totally fine with everyone else being punished xD Still can't wait to see it ingame and to finally interact with him. The image definitely got me excited again ^^


I would support you either way. But I'm happy it worked out well and I'm really looking foward to this scene! :D


Really? Aren't you supporting like 20 different creators? That was over $7 worth of fees. I'd have thought you'd be far more opposed to the changes than most.


I'm not really sure how they thought giving flat fees per transaction was a good idea. Still though it did look like you weren't hurting too much from the change. Glad everything fixed itself while you were gone.