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Hi, everyone! November's report is here!
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I'm really sorry for the length of this one. We thought we didn't work enough to cover 2 posts so we compiled it into one. And it turned out we did more than we thought ^^;

As stated in the report, chapter 3 is postponed to next year. I want you to enjoy the chapter without having to wait for an update for some missing parts in that chapter. It sucks that we can't release all 5 chapters this year, but from finishing chapter 2 and reading all of your feedbacks, I can finally see how this game's going to go and where it's going to end.

Thank you everyone so much for your support!

- Punipen



Welp... I forgot to add image as a header. This is how sleepy I am. Sorry everyone! T_T - Punipen


well alrighty then.


Gotta say, I love the new changes coming! The attention you guys are giving to the little details makes it so much better and I'm looking forward to the relationships as well, keep up the great work!


Wow that's alot of changes I don't see why anyone would think this wouldn't be enough work for two posts xD Really like the idea of the changes regarding elements and skills they really sound refreshing ^^ When you say currently not all gladiators can form a relationship with Volga does that imply that it will be potentially more at some point? Not complaining though since 3 of the 4 ones mentioned are actually in my top 3 of potential love interests for Volga xD Really great work as always ^^


Everything mentioned does sound really good. Those skill/status changes and interractions seem interesting and will most likely make the fights even more interesting. The consept for relationship Sound good, and gives at least the impression that each relationship ship will have good amount of content. I do hope we will get at least at some point more characters to have relationships and this might because of my bias, but I do hope Tharsix will be one of the choices for volga, as I loved the small interraction They had in the forest. All in all thanks for the hard work the team has put into the game!


Fantastic work as always, so much to look forward to in the next chapters. I like the idea of the elements interacting with each other, and I agree that the skills having various effects rather than just getting more powerful gives the game a more strategic feel, and plays up the puzzle aspect well. The relationship system is shaping up to be a lot of fun from the sound of it. I'm wondering how often you'll be able to trigger bonding conversations though, if you need to build up a relationship with several characters in only 3 chapters it might be tricky to balance them out, but just spamming the conversation all at once seems unsatisfying so I look forward to seeing how you plan that out. I like Volga's options so far, particularly Maximus and Kakula. I'm a bit disappointed that Lambert might not make the cut for Volga's route, but I realize having every option for each character would be repetitive. And the differences between each major route will be a big part of the games replay value. Once again I am excited to see what the future holds for this game, and wish you all luck with this and hope you enjoy your holidays.

Solitary Hyena

I am a bit bummed to see Volga wont be able to have a relationship with Tharsix. Is there a reason he was cut out? Also, really awesome updates, and im glad to see how the project is morphing as time goes on to suit the needs of how the game is going. Also, that CG scene of Tharsix...I am really interested to witness that scene...I love Tharsix.


Good luck with shark attire. Perfect game. I'll look forward to it.


Good luck with shark hunting. I like that kind of underwear.


Thanks a lot for such a big and extense report, nice changes incoming... and lots of work it seems! Keep up with the good work, I cant wait for some Volga x Aoba action :D


I'm not going to say I'm not disappointed. I was really hoping for Chapter 3 this year. Having said that, the updates and the upcoming updates look really good. So I will wait, though not patiently.

Leo Once3333

Chapter 3 coming til next year makes sense with how much contents it seems to have. Have to say I'm glad Maximus and Kakula are in for relationships with Volga, they're probably my top two. Though if Tharsix doesnt appear in Volga's story, I hope Volga will be romanceable in his. I'd say... Darius would probably be my most interested of the remaining cast for Volga to romance, if only because I have no idea how it'd go.


I wasn't expecting 3 to come out this year anyway, so it's all good. Take the time you guys need to regroup and rest. We can't have you guys burning out till after this game is complete <3. Seriously though, take the time you need and have fun. I will say you guys should probably stop adding so many cuties to the game though. It's going to disappoint me when they don't try and court the MC's. (Because damn, why did lef have to be so cute!) I hope you have fun in Europe. Happy Holidays!


I really like the direction where this is going. One thing that bugs me though, is that freeze element seems to be underated compared to other elements. Most of them have somewhat a secondary effect. Fire and poison give persistance damage that force your opponent to waste a move to break them. Thunder reduce armor and armor ignoring when you break it. Wind prevent your oppenent from making certain move or they waste a move. Water secondary effects depend on where it drop on. And rock limit your opponent move or lose an action point. All of above doesn't require the user to make a move to activate them. But freeze doesn't punish your opponent that much and require you to make a move to activate it. Just my opinion though. Keep up the good work guys.


Thank you! The trip really helps as not being able to work on the games for so many days makes me want to work on it now XD And I'm so happy to hear that you like Lef! I like him too but we don't hear much about people's opinion on him (most likely because he just appear at the end of ch2). He'll have more screen time in ch3 though :) - Punipen


This has been my concern as well. At first we thought getting an extra action is considered very valuable, so we didn't think about giving it anymore effects. We'll see if we can come up with something though. Thank you! - Punipen


I understand, as I expected to finish chapter 3 this year as well. Thank you for supporting us. We'll do my best to finish Volga's story next year. - Punipen


One thing that came up to me was freezing the gem so only the user can mive it, but tgat problably op and hard to code.