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Hi, everyone. We're happy to announce that the new public version of Kemo Coliseum is now released!

Download Link

Game Manual (ENG)

Before You DownloadCurrently, there's a problem with the launcher that it will download both Windows and OSX version, making updating the game takes longer than it necessary. Because of this, I've separated the download into the following:

  • OSX/Windows Standalone: If you just want the game and not the launchers, this is what you need. Please choose the one for your operating system.
  • All: This includes everything, Windows and OSX executables and launchers for both Windows and OSX.
  • Launchers: This will download only the launchers. You can use the launcher to download the latest version of the game automatically.

I will be working on improving the launchers so that each launcher will only care about builds & updates for its platform. For now, I apologize for the inconvenience!


  • Save file from and below DO NOT WORK in this version.
  • If you want to skip the beginning, you can use the save file HERE. This file starts right before you fight Aoba.

    **WARNING: Using this save file will make Rio's erotic scene and CG unobtainable. This is noted and will be fixed in the future**
  • English scripts in the game aren't proofread yet. We want to show you the progress of the game first since proofreading and fixing can take time. We will improve this in future versions.
  • This build ends after you beat Cyrus and see the following chapter conclusion scene. The game will bring you to the title screen again.

How to Use the Save File

1. If there is no folder named "savedata" next to the executeable file, create one.

2. Put "save_1.kemosave" file in that folder

3. Start the game. You should be able to load that save file.


Due to the current way we save game's persistent data, using this save file won't unlock CGs and any scenes before that save point. We will fix this in the future versions and provide another game persistent data save file.




I think there's a glitch or issue when fighting the Gryphon. If it destroys its Fly High gem with Assault impact it never comes down and remains unharmable forever.


<a href="https://support.apple.com/kb/PH25088?locale=zh_TW&amp;viewlocale=en_US" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://support.apple.com/kb/PH25088?locale=zh_TW&amp;viewlocale=en_US</a> Apple menu &gt; System Preferences &gt; Security &amp; Privacy, click Open Anyway


hmm I am missing one scene above the punishment, any hints for it, one gallery on the first page above the red mained faced (trying to be vague for the people who haven't played or earned them yet


Hello I think I may have found a small glitch with Gimdin's memo, when I scroll through the memo it will tell me that a lot of the recipes require ingredients from other recipes.


The game crashed on me and erased all of my progress in the middle of the coliseum match against cyrus :( all that work gone...


Can I play this game on Android?


hey i have a slight question about this game. Is there a difference between the pateron and public demos and are they still censored. If so when the full game comes out is it still gonna be censors or the nsfw art only goes to the pateron


love this game


I can't play :( When i open the game i can't pass throught the ''Kemo Coliseum'' Screen ;( help


Is this aslo on Android?


How can i play with the others two characters? :o

asa bastar

I can't save at all, all I can do is keep starting from the beginning, please help!!!


looks like a lot of fun but ant get it to work on my Mac. open it up gets to title screen then nothing works. bummer


Can’t get past title screen on demo for Mac version


try to use wine (emulate windows programs on Mac OS X) on Mac and run the windows version with this , I tried in mi old Mac this method and run perfectly

asa bastar

is this the latest version, or did something happen that stopped you from updating the public demo? isn't it on chapter four or something, this still says chapter 2?


Since the game is still in development and many things are still subject to change, we decided not to update the public version for now, as it might confuse people into believing that the order of the events or how the story goes down in the game is final. However, we do have a plan to update the public version to reflect the current state of the game, but it will likely stay as far as chapter 2 until the order of the events in each chapter is stable. - Punipen


I can't seem to find the fortune teller, can anyone help? I went to the Round Forest, but the quest isn't there


i want to try the game but the mac version is broken cant get past the title screen, is the patron only demo mac vers also broken ?


Have you thought about a Chinese version?And put it on steam?


How do i get set up to play the game


how do I download the game to play it






Mac OS - street load screen doesn't load the click to start like past versions. Launcher crashes after I select english


You can check the log file to see what went wrong. Please send us the log file to our email at dudedle.studio(at)gmail.com so we can investigate futher. For now, you can download the game file without the launcher, and edit config.ini file with a text editor to change the game language. - Punipen


Hello!! So I just looked at the roadmap and your still planning to finish chapter 3 THIS month? Really? With the "Dating system" in it as well? I can't tell if your being optimistic or I'm just giving (all of) you too little credit. On a sidenote: Your just talking about the foundation of the dating system, right? It seems like a stretch that all the potential dates would be unlocked in this build. (Unless we don't get a single CG from it. But even then it still seems like a little bit of a stretch.)


Please understand that it's very hard to predict the timelines in software engineering. Deadlines are not real hard deadlines, but more of ideal targets, which we have stated in the roadmap. We cannot keep updating the roadmap in real time and we find that it's better to set a date for our goal. If we fail, we'll evaluate what we have finished, what we have yet to do, and come up with another target again. The dating system is basically more visual novel scenes/side quests you can unlock with some characters. No, not all potential dates would be unlocked in this chapter. And you won't be able to go through the whole relationship route with the currently available ones. Each chapter, there's a point where further scenarios in a route is locked until further chapters or important events in the game. Basically, it's like you said that in chapter 3 we will introduce the foundation of the dating system, not the whole thing. - Punipen


You can find them from Jackalopes. The droprate is around 50%, I think. - Punipen


When will I be able to play as Cyros? I am looking forward to it!


The game... bugged when my Volga reach level 10... He doesn't get EXPs


This is not a bug. Starting from this build there's a level cap for each chapter. - Punipen


Do you plan other playable characters? I saw player choose dialog in the beginning. Or it will be done only after finishing the story?


Yes, Cyrus and Tharsix will be playable after Volga's story is finished. Each character's scenario will contain 5 chapters. - Punipen


I wish to give my support for the translation of chapter 1 and later chapter 2 into in Latin America Spanish


Thank you for your offer, but our original script isn't quite ready to be translated yet. Once we are ready, we will make an announcement along with a tutorial on how to localize the game. - Punipen


Hey I'm trying to download the game on my mac but it keeps on saying unidentified developer and its not letting me open it. Is there something I need to get before being able to open and play the game