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Before You Download

Currently, there's a problem with the launcher that it will download both Windows and OSX version, making updating the game takes longer than it necessary. Because of this, I've separated the download into the following:

  • OSX/Windows Standalone: If you just want the game and not the launchers, this is what you need. Please choose the one for your operating system.
  • All: This includes everything, Windows and OSX executables and launchers for both Windows and OSX.
  • Launchers: This will download only the launchers. You can use the launcher to download the latest version of the game automatically.

The latest version is, but we put old versions in there just in case. They will be removed in the future if there is no more issues with the new version.

For those who already have launchers, you can update the game from there instead of downloading the new standalone.

Release notes


  • Updated difficulty setting to affect both enemy's AI and parameters.
  • Fixed some typos in the scripts.
  • Changed descriptions of some skills from Japanese to English.


  • Changed damage formula of various skills.
  • Changed Armor of Ice to increases guard gauge by 10% per Freeze gem.


  • Fixed an error that cause the game to freeze when a player click retry button too fast.
  • Reseted the states of all quests correctly when starting a new game or loading a save file to an earlier point in the game after finishing chapter 2.
  • Fixed File Screen not showing save slots on the left window when there is a corrupted or an incompatible save file.
  • Fixed Jackalope not dropping antlers.
  • Fixed an issue where an event panel is repeatable if the event takes the player out of the dungeon at the end of the event.
  • Fixed Hard Knock to not delay opponent's skills if it misses the target.
  • Fixed a graphic issue when the game is not played at 16:9 ratio.

Other Important Notes

  • If you have the launchers from the public version IT WILL NOT DOWNLOAD THIS VERSION. The public launcher will only download builds available for public. Launchers here will download the ones for Patreons only.
  • Save file from previous versions DO NOT WORK in this version. I'll try to make the save games compatible with future versions from now on, but this is not guaranteed.
  • If you want to skip the beginning, you can use the save file HERE. This file starts right before you fight Aoba. Please note that due to the way we currently save our game's persistent data, this save file won't unlock any CGs or replayable scenes before this point. We will fix this in the future versions and provide another game persistent data save file.
  • We understand that the difficulty might still need an adjustment. If you find the game too difficult, please let us know the following:

    - Your level
    - Your armor's durability (for both inner and outer armor)
    - Your equipments, skills and armor bonuses
    - The enemy you find too difficult even in casual difficulty

    This will help us in finding out how to balance the game further.
  • This build ends after you beat Cyrus and see the following chapter conclusion scene. The game will bring you to the title screen again.
  • The game's scripts have been changed and revised, mainly in English. Starting the game in Japanese can cause unexpected behaviors to show up.

Bug Report

If you've found a bug or an issue, please check this site before reporting. Thanks!


And that's it. Sorry again for making you wait for so long. Hope you enjoy this build!

- Punipen




I just got a new laptop and am trying to open the launcher. However, when I try, I get the message "Missing 'app.info' in Data folder". I remember having trouble getting the launcher to work last time too. Any ideas how to get this to run?


It's possible that you didn't extract the file but access the zip folder directly. Please try to see if you have extracted the downloaded zip file. By extracting the zip file, you should have all the files you need to launch the game or the launcher. - Punipen


Okay, so when I unzipped using windows, I got that error message. After downloading WinRAR and extracting via that, the launcher worked fine. Thank you!


Thank you so muchhhh! In tears.


So... I managed to generate a crash in this version while escorting the fox character in the fifth dungeon area. The game generated a crash dump folder; how should I send it to you?


Please send it to dudedle.studio(at)gmail.com if you can. Thank you! - Punipen


I found out a bug which would replay the scene at the end of the event if you pressed “enter” key instead of clicking to advance.


That was in the last build. Don't know if it still exist in this build.


What time will the Japanese version be released?


I have completed chapter 2 but am missing one item each in the gallery and in the scene replay. Anyone have any advice? I did lose a Coliseum match and I have all available quests completed.


when will be the patreon only gallery update


As soon as I finish fixing more game breaking bugs that the build becomes more stable, I'll update it as soon as possible. Sorry! - Punipen


Is it the scene with Rio? If you start the game from a save file that passed that point already, it won't unlock the CG and the scene for you. We'll address this in future versions. - Punipen


We're working on a new localization system for items, skills & equipments at the moment. I'll release the Japanese version as soon as it's finished. - Punipen


Hey I finished the 2nd chapter and I really enjoyed it-- good, fun scenes, and excellent gameplay. I like all the new abilities and armor enhancements! Thanks for all your hard work. I'm totally into what Gimdin and Murvin have going on <3


Thank you so much! There'll be more Gimdin and Murvin in the future chapters for sure :) - Punipen


I was finally able to get a chance to play and beat chapter 2 this weekend. It was a lot of fun! Great job! Looking forward to more!


I finished Chapter 2 and this is really nice. Played on Medium Difficulty and dindt have much trouble with the Enemys. :)


Thank you! Glad to hear that we're starting to get the parameters right :) - Punipen


Just began pledging, I can't wait to see this game in full! Personally hoping to see at least one very large and fat character, but that's because I like fat guys. =^^= Thanks so much for making a cool adult game like this! If you guys need someone to help proofread the English translations, go ahead and ask me! I am a very good proofreader.


Okay, I just opened the game, and I'm in the first battle. I had a little trouble figuring out which gems were the magical attacks. Here's what I'd do: 1, have both physical and magical attack gems share the same shape, but be different colors, and do something similar with the skill charge gems; and/or 2, make the magical attack gems a redder shade of orange to help them stand out from the yellow gems.


こんにちはブニベンさん。BGMおくたさい。(Hey. Do you think we could have a bgm released to patreons?)