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Regarding the difficulty issue, we would like to apologize that many of you find the game to be unexpectedly difficult.

We've tried our best within the limited time to balance the game. Kurono and I fought every enemy and every boss ourselves, making sure that they are beatable, more than once, before releasing this build.

However, as you have shared with us how difficult the bosses are, and how many times you have lost to them no matter how hard you tried, it's clear that there is a problem with the current difficulty and the time we spent on balancing was not enough.

Because of this, I've decided to take down this build for now. Please give us some time to work on the balancing and make the difficulty option more meaningful. We will soon release a new build and a new patch that address some reported bugs, as well as the game difficulty.

- Punipen



I worry that the opinions of a loud minority are pushing you towards this conclusion, so I wouldn't be so hasty to feel like the build was far too difficult. I especially don't see how people are saying that they tried dozens of times on a boss fight where I didn't have the same problem. I hope you find out what's causing it!


Please don't worry about it! This decision is after I went back and test the game by watching many high speed matches between AI-controlled Volga with the given settings vs the said bosses and looked at the average result. It's clear that some bosses can be too punishing and some adjustment would really help. I'll probably need to look for more local testers and watch them play to actually understand what's going on. But balancing difficulty seems to be a problem we have since Sugar Shooter, haha XD - Punipen


clearly there is cause i can tell you how many times that minotaur kicked my ass and i am level 17 wtf please put it back to the difficulty you had before that was fine it went fair on the ai and yourself


I haven't noticed anything too crazy in Chapter 1. I did notice however, that Volga's skill descriptions are all Japanese in the Tooltips when you scroll over them. :) Just wanted to point it out in case it's not in the waffle.io


the difficulty in the last build was fine just set it back to that please

Solitary Hyena

Yeah I noticed this too. Especially when enemies burrow or fly so you can't hit them, yet they can hit you with close ranged attacks and such, it drives me nuts.

Leo Once3333

I haven't lost once yet, having just finished the second main quest. It doesn't seem that difficult to me, but I also try and setup the board each turn to stall out my opponent, not just to get the best matches possible for me? We'll see if anyone gives me more trouble later on though.


I haven't been able to play the build yet so I'm not sure HOW hard it is but wouldn't it be okay for it to be a little hard since they're, you know, bosses? Just hope that it doesn't get too easy either since that's what I like about this game that, even though there is 18+ material, it's still a fun game that you can play without the scenes :P. But who am I to give opinion when I haven't played


thank you so much for your quick respond. As I said in my previous post, i was able to beat Aoba at the end, but what was weird is that untill that point I always lost in a few truns then suddenly something happened and I was able to win against Aoba in the same manner as he did win against me so many times before- he wasn't even able to activate his rage and his higher skills. so thats whatI found interesting. Thank oyu for adressing this issue.. And thank you for your hard wrok!


The difficulty "casual" is a bit misleading. When heading out as soon as possible I find myself in my undies already when my turn starts. XD


i finally i got lucky with that bull jeez but other than that good update hope to see more of cyrus what a hotty


thank you for the update :D


they're beatable but when the AI is getting multiple lines per move nearly every move and some bosses brake the first layer of armor on their first move even though ive upgraded inner and outer to level 7...that's ridiculous. Except for the mouse/rat fight ive had to retry every boss 4-5 times at minimum. Ive also had the game freeze 4 times in chapter two, almost exclusively right after loosing.


where do i download it?


It's not so much the bosses, but getting bodied up and down by random trash mobs gets kind of old. Also, part of the issue is that resources (gold) are limited, and once spent, it is extremely inefficient to get more. If a player forgets to save and spends all his gold before say, the Mofnir fight, and buys the wrong skills, he has to A) keep trying and losing until everything goes right, B) go grind a few gold per monster for several hours, or C) restart the game. While everyone knows that if playing an RPG and you put all your points into swimming and lockpicking, you won't do well in combat, it isn't obvious at all what skills one needs to beat any particular fight before going in and losing.


Well said, this is very true. However, Now I just checked my difficulty settings and its on casual , not even normal... and I'm keep having these annoying difficulty spikes at bosses. The normal mobs are fine, even the ones that uses hiding skill, I only lost 1-2 times to them thats not annoying too much. but the bosses spikes too much compared. And what I don't understand is, why is it that I restarted the game once and in that playthrough I was able to beat aoba in 3 tries..... So something is seriously bad around the fomrulla that handles these things.


i know i already said it already a lot of timers , i just was playtesting and sharing my experience. Hoping it helps you to track down the issue


I love the progress compared ot chapter 1 a lot tough. so keep up the good work!


It is difficult and cannot concentrate on a story as now


Going to double bug report here, on the current "difficult build" i just beat the trenant boss and the dialoge post defeat did not trigger plus the background glitched out


another bug report: for some reason game crashes randomly if i retry too much. it happeend twice during roughly 6 or so hours of game playing / testing


Okay so I feel I have to say this, but do people not realize that this game is an RPG? Basically if a boss is too hard, you get stronger. Upgrade your gear, grind your levels up, learn new skills, anything but complaining that it's too difficult. Now granted I still haven't had a chance to play the build (the fact that the link to download it keeps being pulled down every couple hours doesn't help with that) so maybe it is harder then it needs to be, but I'm leaning towards people giving up too quick. Sorry if I sound unnecessarily harsh, it's just frustrating to have to keep waiting for this build, especially for something like this that should never be an issue in the first place. This was tested extensively ahead of time for balance, and the bosses were deemed beatable by the testers. But in any event, you guys do what you have to for the build, I can be patient a little longer. Thanks for all your hard work on this.


Honestly, what makes this game so ridiculously hard/annoying is that most enemies can just see how to match 4 pieces together on a board. It seems they can even see what 3 pieces they should match together to magically get four to match. This gives them two gems + one extra turn. If the AI would stop instantly matching 4 gems together, this would be much more playable. Right now, every fight is extremely frustrating. Your stats barely do anything since normal enemies can just match 4 tiles easily on you and kill you in two turns.


Gosh, the monsters hit sooooo hard in this build... IMO, instead of increasing their HP and attack damage, you should make each monster more different than others. Like why the rock dude deal as high damage as other more offensive looking monsters? and, why Magic attack(orange gems) and Physical attack(white gems) does almost the same damage on most monsters? why can a Mantis even do magic damage? ...


e aJust so you know, i'm expert on rpgs, i'm even working on my own little rpg game . But anyways, I have all armor upgrades and I'm always 2-3 levels ABOVE each monster / boss plus I use skills a lot etc. If a hame is soooo punishingly hard on CASUAL difficiculty not just for one, but for multpile ppl, there is deffinitelly some re-balancing is in order to make it less frustrating. THis is for Richard only, I already reported my bugs. <br><br> plus having your FULLY upgraded armor layers destroyed in 2-3 turns sometimes is very annoying too.


Do Jackalopes even drop antlers? I've been fighting them for an hour to get just one antler and I haven't had any luck at all. I think the drop rates fro monster spoils are way way too low.


Just a quick update: I've finished playing through this build, Other than those issues the others and I mentioned found no new issues / bugs. The cyrus fight at the end is pretty good balanced, i was able to win against him the second time so that is good. <br><br> One thing: Don't know if somebody mentioned italready or not, but I found that almost fhalf of the skills are missing their english description text.


I've just checked and apparently it doesn't drop antlers. I'm really sorry about this :( Thought I went through everything already but must have missed this one. As for other items, the drop rate is around 50%. Still, I'm not happy with the current loot system. It works in a normal RPG game when you can farm exp and loots very fast, but not when the battle system is a puzzle-based game like this. I'm going to come up with something else that's less frustrating and not entirely luck-based. - Punipen


Actually, in this build the AI has been changed to NOT making a match-4 on purpose. Many enemies has a probability of making a match-4 of 20~40% and this will become halved if you play on Casual difficulty. Any match-4 results from a cascade is pure luck. - Punipen


It's been bugging me too. I'm planning to make some gems become nullified when an enemy isn't on the field, like Acidslither cannot attack at all after using burrow, but Gryphon can still deal magic damage while flying etc. - Punipen


Only one question remains after 4 hours of challenging that bull dude: what is a balanced game experience according to you? ;P


I kind of think perhaps it would be a good idea to upload the current build while fixing the bugs and once they are fixed, just reupload the newer, repaired build. I'd like to play it.


I beat him last night without losing my first armor. Stack Ice Bolt gems with Armor of Ice enchantment and the Arctic Armor skill. The battle is way easier when you have 100% shields at the end of each round and tiles on the field that lower each of his hits by like 65 damage.


I agree. I don't care if the game is really hard, it'll just get tweaked later. I'd still like to try it out and see what I think.


I'd say just go ahead and release what you have even if you intend to make major adjustments later. If you think that the difficulty is an issue and you're up front with that, no one will think less of you for it.


They would be less inclined to take the game away if people would stop bitching so much/hard about it. Like, this game is polished really well. It's rare af to get a furry game that doesn't suck. Yeah, it may be difficult, but at least they're making it free. Plus, this isn't nearly as hard as that Anubis game. If you want to win, just specialize toward physical attack. You do like...100 per hit when not they're not guarding. I always end every match &lt;12 turns. The tree was a bitch, though. 12 poison gems was down right sinister.


I finished the game! :D it was incredible! <a href="https://k60.kn3.net/F/2/5/E/9/A/69B.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://k60.kn3.net/F/2/5/E/9/A/69B.jpg</a> :) It was not that difficult


I don't know what everybody is complaining about. I don't think it's too difficult. If it was easier it would be boring.


So I just finished playing through Normal mode. I will say there were times that were challenging. However, like many RPGs, there are both strategy and RNG components. (i.e. making matches to set up your skills vs. making matches in hopes of cascades.) I will admit that there were times when the enemy would make so many good matches and cascades that the battle seemed unfair. On the other hand, I've had battles where I can make really good matches and combos and almost feel sorry for the enemy! Overall, the battles weren't too difficult and later on they do get easier with armor bonuses and enchanting. Gold in the game does come in spike increases through story and side quests and isn't very rewarding for those wanting to farm materials and gold from monsters to buy enchantments and make/buy equipment. Granted, I was able to upgrade my armor enough and buy enough equips/enchantments/spells to beat the demo but, as a suggestion, I would make battle a little more profitable as some do go on for many turns. The artwork and scenes in this build were absolutely fantastic and well worth progressing through the game for! The scene replay and art gallery are wonderful additions! My regards to the artists and programmers! The coliseum battles, in my opinion, are where this game truly shines. The battles present to the player strategies that they must work around to achieve victory or fall prey to the opponent's tactics. Resisting physical damage, evading through hiding, shuffling the board, increasing skill cooldown, etc. etc. These battles incorporate so many new mechanics to the game that fighting against these opponents is a thrill and make each boss very unique! Very well done with planning these battles! Overall, I had a lot of fun playing through this demo and you all did a very wonderful job! While I do think some things in Normal mode seemed very difficult, I wouldn't do too much with the difficulty and I think the bulk of it comes from the Treant battle, namely the poison mechanic. Also, I've made a small list of bugs and text errors found through my playthrough if you would like them through a private message. Wonderful job, Dudedle! Keep up the wonderful progress and monthly reports and I'll definitely be keeping up my (although not very high) pledge!


Thank you so much! We did put a lot of work in designing bosses, hoping that players will have fun coming up with strategy to counter them. It took time &amp; work, but I think it's worth it. I was even surprised by some of the tactic, such as using Wind magic against Mohtir! Many parts are still a bit rough, but I think we've finished many difficult part and have laid a solid groundwork for designing future battles &amp; bosses. I have some ideas for bosses in chapter 3 already and can't wait to work on them :) Agree with you on the quest rewards. I'll have to go over them and revise them again. Enemies really don't give enough money, so we'll address that too. As for list of bugs and text errors, please feel free to DM them to me. I'd love to read them! Thank you again and I'm really glad to hear that you enjoy the game! - Punipen


For Treant boss, the fight should be easier if you equip an "Antidote Gel" with you. It helps you erase those Poison gems without having to match them, so even when it's in the corner, you have a way to erase them. But, I admit that this isn't obvious, since it's an equipment that you have to sell materials to Gimdin so he can create it. I'm planning to create a "Gimdin's creation list" which will show what he has created so far, as well as giveing you hints based on the materials that you've discovered. This should motivate players to farm and sell some materials to get new equipments from him. - Punipen