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Currently there's a bug that will stop you from progressing the game. During the quest "Find the Fortune Teller", you can look for the fortune teller in various places. If you look in the following order:

Murvin's Shop -> Gimdin's Store -> Forum

The game will not activate a required event at the Forum. If you have already saved the game at this point, it will be fixed in the next patch. Or you can re-load the game and don't go to each location in the order stated above.

I apologize for the error. If you've found anymore bug or error please let me know here and I'll record them at https://waffle.io/punipen/kmcl-bugs

- Punipen



After unlocking the Fortune Teller I went back to the Round Forest and I was able to activate event that completes the quest again after already completing it once. The order I searched was Blacksmith -> Inn -> Shop -> Forum


Just want to make sure I understand this correctly. You mean after you finish the quest, you can go back to the Round Forest and complete the quest again? As in, the event panel is still available for you to click on it? - Punipen


so basically the last boss Mothir is designed to be impossible to beat. the speed of his skills that charge up and the dmg he dealt is insane not to mention the stupid RNG that basically against the player >_>


Some hints: - You can get a skill that reduces his physical damage - You can deny him yellow gems and delay his physical skills with one of the skills available at the stores - Focus on matching blue when you see that his skills are ready If you're still stuck, you can try setting the game to casual mode. He shouldn't make a match-4 as often, since his match-4 rate is already low. - Punipen


at this point I don't even care bout his CG anymore, I just wanna kick this cow's ass.


has anyone beat the last boss yet, it's been 4 hours for me now.


it's ridiculous.


don't know why I'm still trying at this point, just impossible


Text does not appear during the choices, it is completely blank at the choice bar.


Found a typo in one of the quests it says "Jacharopes" but the enemy name is Jackalope.


Here's a bug about the image. When the third time you upgrade your armor the nake's sences are skipped right? While G forging the armor (there's sounds) his part of lower half (underwear area) is displaying at the black background.


And the quest log as well. It is again all blank. The conversation appears normally though.


Could you please take a screenshot of the game for me? I'm not sure I understand this correctly. Thank you! - Punipen


I don't know if this counts as a bug but, I noticed a lot of time enemy debuffs end up in "impossible" situations like the one in this picture(<a href="http://puu.sh/x9lP6/e4b0087be2.jpg)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://puu.sh/x9lP6/e4b0087be2.jpg)</a> where it'd be impossible to remove it outside of skills like bash/bubble/wind that clear the board or the board refreshing again. So it makes fighting enemies like this (without the armor skill that cures debuffs later) very hard to deal with.


I notice you have "gold count on dungeon screens" as a backlog? Is that referring to how it doesn't refresh Volga's current level or gold until you leave a dungeon?


I find two bugs: 1) When you are in the quest to find the Fortune Teller and you found him, then start the battle and I lost to the monster so I press the retry button and the screen stay black. 2) I can´'t save or load any file and its horrible, I lost all my progress with the previous problem.


best thing to do is once you get a new build ALWAYS start from new game.


I did it, I start a new game and I couldn´'t save any file.


I have uploaded the screenshots and some reports in community as I replied on top. Check it please.