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Just want to give everyone a quick update. We thought we could release the game this weekend, but checking everything takes longer than we thought. This includes:
  • [Scene Replay] Confirms that seeing a specific scene will unlock it for replay
  • [Scene Replay] Runs each replay-able scene through replay mode to see that there won't be any weird bug like characters not showing or BGM not playing etc
  • [Gallery] Confirms that seeing a specific scene will unlock related CGs
  • [Playtest] Playing through the whole game to check that events are run in the correct orders.

This means going back through old scripts and modifying them, so we have to test old scenes in chapter 1, as well as new scenes in chapter 2.

I understand that this might disappoint you, but please understand that we're doing our best to bring the new build to you as soon as possible. We are a very small team and other than arts and music in the game, everything else is pretty much done by Kurono and I. It's also unfortunate that our volunteer translator is not available at the moment, so I still had to do the translation myself.

Please give us a few days to make sure that there is no problem. I do not want to release the game only to find a bug that makes the game unplayable and ruins your experience.

As for those who've asked me about the gallery link, the link will be sent to you next Sunday.

- Punipen



It's ok, Punipen. We apreciate a lot your sincerity and yeah, I can figure being a small team its a big handicap sometimes. Keep up with the good work! :)


It's always good thing to double check everything :) No need to rush things :3 I'm sure it turns out GREAT! \o/ And yeah, it's quite hard to do many things with such a small team :/ I'm sure most of us will understand :3 You guys do great job!


Take your time guys! Everyone will understand if you need to test stuff just keep up the good work! :)


Don't worry about time. It's glad to have a fluently experience of game. We're standing behind your back. Keeping up! ;)


I mean, delays are the status quo at this point. I'll just be happy if we somehow get Chapter 3 before next year.


No worries. Thanks for the update. I'm looking forward to it, but delays are understandable. Keep up the good work!


If anyone has an issue with the delay they're just impatient and needy. It is much better to wait and release a fully working and enjoyable demo, than to rush out a buggy unplayable mess just to satisfy some non existent deadline people feel inclined to impose on the creators. I am fully prepared to wait as long as needed, I know it will be worth it when it does come out and I look forward to seeing what it holds. You're all doing an amazing job with this project, Keep up the awesome work guys.


Thank for make this game I like it very much I will waiting and hope you have more scene with aoba he is very cute I like him very much.


I look forward to it. I'm looking forward to it. I look forward to it.


Im sure whenever you release the new build its going to be great. Your efforts are greatly appreciated by your players and im sure we can all wait a bit longer if it means getting to play a better game :)


Does kemo Coliseum receive only 1 update per year?


We released 3 builds in 2015 and 2 builds in 2016 so, no this project doesn't get 1 update per year. Unlike previous updates which were just a chunk of a chapter, the next update is one completely new chapter + revising everything in the first chapter, this is why it takes us pretty long. - Punipen


release multiple builds a year. How often does the Patreon Links get updated then?