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Sorry for not being consistent about guard vs shield in the previous report. I really need to decide on the vocabularies.

I want to use guard since some attacks are unguardable (damage won't be reduced by matching blue gems, so you have to rely on physical/magic resistance gems)

Do you think it's weird if I call it "shield" meter and still use "unguardable" as a keyword in the game? (For those who are new to the game, I'm talking about the 0% number next to the shield icon)

Or should I call it guard meter instead?

- Punipen




How about calling it the guard gauge?

Nova Arkane

I think you should be consistent with terminology with the game, Guard meter and unguardable attacks. Although we won't bat an eye if you accidentally slip Shield instead of Guard. Besides, Volga doesn't have a shield. He can guard all he wants against the Mantis enemies, but all they want to do is strip his clothes in a single turn haha.


Guard Gauge or Guard Meter are good. If you like Shield, it still makes sense because the act is To Guard and you do so with some type of Shield. I feel this is a personal choice and it is understandable either way.


I think keeping terms consistent is definitely important. The guard gauge sounds like a good term for it, as other people have suggested so far!


think of it this way, shield is a off-handed "weapon" that can be used to block attacks and abnormal attacks in the sacrifice of its durability. Thus, attacks like poison and others SHOULD be able to blocked by shields. But, if you call it a guard meter then it makes more sense because you're trying to guard the poison with your body which would still poison you. So, guard is fine.


I'll agree with the general consensus and say guard gauge or meter makes the most sense, shield works but for the characters that don't carry a shield (basically everyone who isn't Maximus) it wouldn't make as much sense. ultimately either way is fine with me so long as the terminology is consistent.


Another option for the name of the defensive mechanic is "block" (though I personally prefer "guard", myself). Other options for the name of the trait that bypasses the defensive mechanic are "unblockable", "penetrating", "piercing", and "ignores guard/shield/block/etc".


Prior to this update, was Guard ever referred to as Shielding? Just continue calling it Guard. Sidenote: Don't forget to update the roadmap.


I'm good with guard


Thanks every one! Like many have suggested here, I think I'll go with Guard, Guard Gauge and Unguardable for consistency then. :) - Punipen


I honestly don't remember. I think I've been using them interchangeably, and given that I have to write these in Japanese too, I forget which word I used some time ^^; Thank you for reminding me about the roadmap. Will update soon. - Punipen


I've thought about block before but I prefer guard as well. Your comment reminded me that "penetrating" is the word I was looking for, but I was thinking of MTG's trample instead for some reasons... Though I think I'll stick with guard and unguardable. - Punipen


I prefer being consistent more so I'll go with that. And yes, stripping is unguardable :P - Punipen


How about use penetrated or critical for damage can't be blocked. Also, was there any update on the game files since March?


Nope. Punipen wants to release the whole chapter at once, as such he hasn't released a new build yet.


Sorry for the late reply. Like Gystes said, there is no update yet since I don't want people to play for a bit and wait for new contents. I want you all to enjoy the next chapter in full. - Punipen