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First of all...


This mod also requires Journey to Batuu (sorry about this, but that pack has some amazing animations), Jungle Adventure and Paranormal.

Other packs (Vampires and For Rent) are pretty much optional.


Russian Translation by Urayxor

Portoguese Translation by Nymphetamine

German Translation by Uranium Fever

DOWNLOAD (Google Drive)

This mod allows you to explore the darkest and most horrific aspects of magic: blood magic and necromancy.

It's as Maxis match as it gets, though, more one Addams Family's side.

I'm not going to go into too much information about the gameplay because I want people to find it in-game; I designed it to be easy to explore. There is a new aspiration - Mastery of the Dark Arts - in the knowledge category in CAS that functions as a tutorial (similar to the ones in vanilla game).

Things you probably would like to know:

Becoming a blood mage changes the Charge into Blood: instead of building charge, blood mages consume blood to cast spells. Blood recharges slowly every 24h (more on this later).

Blood Mages never fail casting a spell (with few exceptions).

Although is listed as a level one spell, Reaper's Call is a level 4 spell and one of the few blood mages can fail to cast (the failure doesn't involve death but Grimmy will "slap" your Sim).

The Grim Reaper used by the mod for this spell is a clone that will be marked for deletion as soon as the spell ends, and not the real Grim Reaper. 

Reapers Call is the only spell in the mod regular mages can use and the only one that will appear in the Spellbook. Everything else in is forbidden magic. 

This is not a path for altruistic Sims; every necromantic ritual is performed for selfish purposes and at the expense of others. Despite this, it is possible to pursue this route without sacrificing other Sims to the Grim Reaper by self-sacrificing and unearthing corpses of Sims who have died for other reasons (ritual options will be limited).

There are 9 necromantic rituals and 8 necromantic potions to unlock 

Unlocked by default is the ability to cast curses on other mages. 

Rituals include fame, money, love, youth, power, summoning spirits, resurrection and immortality (including for pets). There is also a ritual to unleash the Mold plague on a lot, but this is unlocked along a with potion. The higher the relationship with the killed Sim the better is the result of the ritual, the best results are if you kill and sell the soul of your Sim's loved one.

Potions include levitation, terror, misfortune, real poison (5 minutes and the Sim who drinks it dies), Mold (5 minutes it kills a Sim with the Mold death), transformation and Lichdom (which allows you to perform sacrifices yourself instead of summoning the Grim Reaper).

One potion and one ritual can be used to restore blood mages blood level.

Note about the potion of transformation and associated spell: this is a more powerful version of the morphiate spell, it turns a Sim into an object permanently until a Spellcaster turns them back (with the standard morphiate unlocked). 

This is basically a death interaction, but I put safeguarding to prevent the transformed Sim from being culled by the game, you cannot sell or delete the created objects with the Sim stored, but it can be carried in the inventory, and while transformed the Sim will not age or die, still a death interaction will empty that Sim's  entire inventory. The associated spell can fail (the potion is the safest option).

Black Magic + Expanded RoM: 

Unlocks a few options for Spellcasters, like the ability to mind control Sims to propose, break up and divorce (blood mages only), the ability to feed Sims to the Cowplant (blood mages only), and the ability to necrocall a pile of bones as mind controlled ghost or skeleton (everyone with the necrocall spell unlocked).

Black Magic + Vampire Magic: 

Vampires are blood mages by default, while Spellcasters have to make a sacrifice and a pact with the Grim Reaper to become blood mages, vampire mages have all the options unlocked.

Black Magic + Vampires Can Kill: 

Blood mages can have a Sanguine Pact with vampires. Having a Sanguine Pact with a vampire and being around them is the only way to have the blood level go up at a fast rate.

Lots of cheats are included as usual.



Lauren Salas

A word of warning: don't do what I did and use the "Make Happy" cheat to fill all a sim's needs. It will empty out a Blood Mage's blood meter, since the game's interpreting it as spellcaster charge. If you want your sim to die of anemia though, go right ahead.


It's not reading it as charge, charge is blacklisted. I just forgot to change a setting. anyway, fixed.


This is excellent!! I love it.

Lamodreodd Black

none of the rites show up and i sacrifice somone. The Dusk Awakening is also very buggy for me any tips?

Aaron Miguel

I cant find the book. Where is it?


Look for tomes in the magic realm. Use the aspiration to increase the chance to find it.

Cliff Douglas

No ritual options appear and I don't have the Necromancy skill after I made my deal with the Grim Reaper. I get the Red Meter but Necromancy skill acquired notification.