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Sorry if this description is messy but I've got Covid and high fever.

I still want to add more to this mod, but it will take a while to get back to normal, so I decided to release it for Patrons to test it.

I'll keep working on this and adding RoM mods and custom spells for another month or so, after I get better.

Mods made obsolete by this one:

Play as The Sage

Expanded Spells (All of Them)

Magic Vendor Tweaks

Untamed Magic is Untamed

Vampires Cauldron Potions

Secret Sages Spells

Craftable Magic Objects

The mods above need to be removed for this one to work correctly!

With Expanded Realm of Magic, you get a plethora of mods that were previously only available as stand-alone, along with some brand new, unique custom spells.

This mod requires the Core Library and Injection Tools.

The mod also requires the Spellbook Injector for the new spells to appear in the spellbook.


Keep reading for details an optional addons.

UPDATES: Updated for compatibility with Vampire Magic and Mooncasters

Play As The Sage

Expanded RoM includes a mod previously known as Play As The Sage, updated an reworked for the occasion. Basically, it makes the Magic Sage roles playable:

With this new release, it's possible to Play As The Sage as a gigs based career similar to Star Wars quests system (doesn't conflict with other careers, so the Sim can still have another job), it's also possible to make money by playing in the Sage role. The first time you enter the Realm as a Sage, you'll be given a tutorial mission to showcase the basics:

Subsequently, Sages can offer assistance to intermediate and novice spellcasters in the Magic Realm to get more quests:

A new NPC will be added to the Magic Realm, the Sages Assistant:

(The appearance of this NPC may alter from one save to the next since it's generated at random from among six premades I created for the role.)

Aside from keeping the Magic Realm in order (putting away books and discarding Cauldrons content when the NPCs are done experimenting) the Assistant can give Sages a Daily Task:

Daily Task can be requested once per day.

Special interactions exclusive to Sages:

Ritual of Balance: I won't tell you much about this special interaction because I want players to figure out for themselves what happens if a Sage goes too long without performing this ritual.

Improved Autonomy:

Autonomy for NPC Sages is also expanded, they'll be able to experiment with cauldrons, have duels with each other and give lessons autonomously:

Attending a Sage's Lecture can unlock spells in the relative school for played Sims.

Custom Spells and Expanded Spells:


Astral Mimcry: allows a Sim to shapeshift into another Sim or into a cat

There are some limitations with this spell, since it technically creates a new Sim, the shapeshfter cannot be controlled since that'd require adding them to the household and breaking the illusion of shapeshifting.

Dustify: Turns the target Sim into a dust bunny, dustifies a lot (sets dust level max)

Requires Bust the Dust

Sandman's Embrace: creates a mist that makes Sims drop asleep when they enter the area effect.

Mischief Art: Adds a number of area effect spells. Requires the Mischief perk unlocked.


Tremorcall: elemental earth spell missing from vanilla. Creates an earthquake.

Whirlwind: elemental wind spell missing from vanilla, traps Sims into a wind vortex.

Requires Jungle Adventure.

Untamed Art: Adds a number of area effect spells. Requires the Untamed perk unlocked.


Empathorize: forces Sims to be nice (no mean interactions allowed under this spell's effect)

Enchantio: this is more of a visual spell, creates various magic effects that make Sims happy.

Requires Seasons

Practical Art: Adds a number of area effect spells. Requires the Practical perk unlocked.

Expanded Spells:

Expands a number of vanilla game spells. These mods had overrides before that have now been removed.

Untamed Magic Is Untamed

Makes the untamed spells deadly.

Currently can only be unlocked with cheats for regular witches (because I have plans) and are unlocked only for the Sage of Untamed Magic without cheats.

I changed the way this mod works, previously it was an override of maxis untamed spells, now it doesn't override vanilla spalls anymore (that are still safe) instead it unlocks a more powerful, deadly version of the untamed spells as the witch ranks up.

Unlocking the Custom Spells:

A new NPC is added to the Realm, the Mysterious Traveller you'll find around the marketplace:

She sells the tomes for my custom spells:

Some tomes are only available to purchase once you make friends with her!

Bring friendship above 35 to unlock tomes for rank 4 spells

Bring friendship above 65 to unlock tomes for rank 5 spells

Vampire potions tomes are only available for purchase when you meet the vampire lore level required to brew the potion.

Vampire Cauldron Potions

Turns the vampire drinks like the vampire cure and sunlight reversal into cauldron potions, plus adds a potion of blood to fill vampire thirst. Vanilla drinks will still be available to make at the bar.


Not all the cheats in the screenshot above are available to the end user (unless the debug cheats are unlocked in MCCC)

Sages headline VFX can be turned on and off with a cheat.

Vendors Ghost appearance can be turned on and off with a cheat

Sims can challenge Sages for the Sage role like in the old Play As The Sage, can be turned off with a cheat

All the tomes for custom spells can be created in the Sim inventory with a cheat

Sages can leave the role with a cheat

Sims can be assigned as Sages with a cheat

Optional Files:

These files are not required if you use my private filters from Assign NPC roles.

Stop Random Sages Generation: Sages will not be replaced by random NPCs, if no Sim is assigned to the Sage role, the Sage will not show up in the Realm. If you install this file you'll need to manually pick Sims for the roles.

Magic Vendors Are Spellcasters: forces the Vendors in the Magic Realm to be spellcasters. You'll need to have enough homeless spellcasters without a career for the roles to be filled.




Great mod. I love it. Please rest and feel better and I wanted to let you know when you challenge the mischief sage for their role, the interaction stops abruptly without proceeding only for that sage.

Annie Bu

Oh my get well soon :( It has been almost a decade it snowed in Shanghai and I got me heavy sinus clog, now I am itching to update the game LOL. Anyhoo! Take care and merry xmas


This looks amazing. I hope you are feeling better soon.

Dr. Borpo

Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. I'm wishing you a speedy and healthy recovery. Just wanted to let you know that Astral Mimicry is making the Sim vanish into thin air. No shapeshifting. They're just gone and need to be reset in order to appear again.


One quick question does this mod encompass the potion reworks or is that still standalone?


Hope you are improving in the new year! I just did a yearly subscription via Patreon, I love your mods and your commentary.


my sims only show up as sages when i'm not playing them. did i do something wrong?

Chrissy Patterson

Hello love It shows the mod is installed and I also see all of the new spells however in the cheats menu i do not see the Expanded ROM option


hi, i don't have the option to challenge a sage and only see my sims as assigned sages when i'm not playing them. everything else is working. any idea what i've done wrong?


You need to bring them in the realm if they're in the active household, they won't appear there otherwise. Challenging a sage is only available for Sims above Lv4