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These mods require LOT51 Core Library

Repost because I made a number of improvements and changes.


DOWNLOAD Hands Hygiene

DOWNLOAD Oral Hygiene

Download Cheats

UPDATE: Fixed some cheats that weren't working anymore (cheats package only)

Hidden needs that exist in vanilla game but are invisible, thirst and hands hygiene affect autonomy, oral hygiene does nothing at all. These mods make those needs visible and add some gameplay.

Hands Hygiene

Hands Hygiene goes down with basically every interaction in game, so I made it go down slower. A moodlet will tell you when it's time for your Sims to wash their hands, not much more to say about this one.


Sims will suffer the consequences of going too long without drinking, they'll start feeling dazed and will collapse if you ignore the need. The mod comes with a refillable water bottle you can buy in build mode under appliances - misc (the object requires growing together), it comes in 9 colours:

The bottle can be carried around and refilled at any sink:

Oral Hygiene

This need is only added the first time your Sim brushes their teeth!

Until then, the mod does nothing. Once the need is added the Sims can suffer the consequences of going to long without brushing their teeth. if you ignore the need for to long they can get caries and will need to visit a dentist (from the phone, no excessive micromanaging involved)


There are cheats to lock the motives decay in a separate package. "Under Cheat Sim Info", where all the other needs go.




How do you exctly get your sims to brush their teeth? Since Installing the oral hygiene mod, the brush teeth option completely disappeared.


Yeah, the brush teeth option is gone for me as well


My fave tier Modders: Zero Tmex SacJr SrslySims Turbo Literally the game is deemed unplayable without those. And Zero's mods are the only ones that expanded on GP features in RoM and Vampires, as well as effectively stopping so many annoying gameplay shit.


If you have "don't wash dishes where you angry poop", try disabling the dish washing on the sink (if the interaction doesn't appear even then, I'll remove the test)


Now the get water option is gone :(


I have a lot of trouble getting to find how the oral hygiene work and the autonomy of it i see the hands and thirst one but not the oral one in your autonomy toggle even after brushing the teeth. The bottle of water for the thirst mod is really bugged cause my sims wont stop cleaning it like dishes and its really annoying i had to rebuy the bottle 4 time before i could get it full and in my inventory


When do they clean it as díshes? The autonomous brushing teeth can be disabled at the moment. I'm trying to fix the issue with the bottle

Sam D.

Hi! Not sure if I may have some mod that conflicts (I don't think I have anything that would affect sinks tho), but I am having some options removed from sinks with 2 of the modules. For thirst module, "Get water" is removed from sinks- is that intended? I can live with that one, but with the Oral Hygiene module it removes the option to Brush Teeth. Any thoughts?


Hello. Firstly, thank you for your work. Does this now conflicts with Don't Wash Dishes Where You Angry Poop? I liked the way they worked together before but after reupdating Brush Teeth option appears on every sink again. Is there a way to have a version for those mod users? I really dont like my sims to brush teeth in the kitchen))


Me neither. I removed it because people complained. Here https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PmAtXUSzWCfb5vwQ9Q-kWi4ytnhajRWW/view?usp=drive_link

Sam D.

I have the thirst module in, and I walked away from my game while it was loading in a household and I got back to it after it had been running a bit . My sim's water bottle was in his inventory but empty. He had a parched moodlet with "20 hrs" left on it. He passed out on the floor (I was afraid he was dead!). I'm assuming the cause was thirst? But all the time he had many cans of beverages in his personal inventory that he didn't autonomously drink (I had put them there for just such an occasion). Why didn't he drink the beverages he had?I'm wondering if the mod somehow blocked him form doing so, since this is what they normally would do.


Cause not all interactions are allowed from Sims inventory, otherwise they'd leave the stuff around. Consumables in particular can't be put back into the inventory if taken out when empty, so I guess maxis didn't allow autonomous drinking from the inventory for most of them (my water bottle has no autonomy tuned whatsoever). I've never seen a sim drink anything at all from the inventory.


sometimes, the sims water bottle disappears from their inventory

Julia Samantha

This is awesome! Thank-you. Can't wait to try it out!


Has this been updated? It crashes my game any time I try to pick it up or do anything with the bottle