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This is a testing version not ready for gameplay so if you decide to try it out, do it in a new save specifically created to test this. 

The new version requires Lot51 core library, be sure to have May 10 update.

I have yet to play test the mod, I only tested it as I added features so far, but most of the gameplay I wanted to put in is done, now I'm working on small details.

I completely remade the Cattle system, watch this video to see some of the features, a better one will come with the mod release. 

Basically: Cattle's life force doesn't get drained so fast any more, Cattle now has two custom motives, life force and plasma, only when the plasma is low the life force gets drained and plasma level goes up on its own if you leave the Cattle alone, even faster if the Cattle eats and sleeps properly. There are 5 levels of Cattle, the level goes up when: you drink from them, order them to do things, or use some powers on them. Cattle has a custom autonomy, they're mostly scared and cry on low levels, they're dazed and out of their minds on high levels. At level 5 you can turn them into Servants. 

You cannot turn a Sim into a Cattle if their household has only an adult and more than one Sim, you cannot turn a Sim whose household is composed by a YA and all children, because the Cattle is automatically added to the household if homed, or added as a roommate if not in world: this is to prevent breaking the game, the game doesn't like households with only minors or homed Sims as roommates 

You cannot turn other occults included mermaids, this is to avoid conflicts with mods that add custom motives to mermaids and aliens, they have reactions if you try to turn them, tho, so you're welcome to try. 

I also added reactions to vampire drinks and the fear of vampires.

If you find things that aren't working, please leave a comment below. 


The mod isn't done yet so some features like NPCs aren't there, but you can already assign 3 NPCs if you click on Vlad's statue in Forgotten Hollow and they have a custom autonomy.



I was having a good time testing this out yesterday! I noticed that my vampire was able to turn my werewolf into a vampire. Intentional? I like it, since werewolves and vampires were once considered to be sort of the same creature, with the dead werewolf coming back as a vampire after it was killed. It was quite fun to see Dracula getting bullied by the spellcaster, alien, and mermaid. The mermaid's retaliation made me laugh. Will you still be offering the version that uses the word "blood" instead of "plasma"? I donate plasma monthly and platelets a few times a month, and the thought of a vampire sucking out just the liquid portion of the blood and leaving the rest is always comical to me. That shit takes me two hours and a special machine that whirls the blood around to separate the components, but it IS very funny to picture a vampire tilting their head back and gargling to just get the plasma, then spitting out the rest. Maybe I have a weird sense of humor, though. Looking forward to the full release! Thank you for your mods, they make the game actually enjoyable to me.


Nope the werewolf turning isn't intentional and isn't my mod's doing either because I didn't even touch that aspect in the mod (unless you activated the autonomy, if it was on autonomy then it's a problem with my interaction). I'm planning to make a blood version of the strings too once I'm done yeah.

Verónica VJ

First impression: a MUST HAVE mod for occult players. Love all the little details, moods and reactions, and the different options for cattle (ask nicely, severely, the punishments, the protection...). Also like the option to free the cattle without losing the relationship. Great improvement from previous version. Will test it in depth for bugs, but here goes a quick suggestion. How feasible would be adding a "guilty master" moodlet for "guilty drinker" vampires and/or if their personal relationship with the cattle grows?