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Since the mindless activist idiots would sacrifice even their mothers to protect their Sims right to have some scars (they could have gotten as CC anyway) in the name or representation and go around spreading harmful misinformation about the HRT and its reversibility in order to push their agenda, I think it's the case to clear out another couple of points:

Source 1 

Source 2 

Furthermore, I'd like to remark once again the existence of places online where people can buy these things without a prescription or a diagnosis.



Phil Kewley

I've been considering writing since your first post, and I've being put it off because I don't want cross any lines - we don't know each other, even though you've bravely shared personal details, and the odds are we'll never meet even though I am so in awe of your talent, it would be a great honour to sit down with you and talk coding! Even so, there's one thing I just wanted to share with you, and others who are going through similar issues - please don't let anger destroy your life, the internet is full of misinformation and people who feel it's their duty to spread hate & hurt. Ask yourself next time you're about to react to a shit post, or off topic response, who is this person? why do they matter? and where will they be in my future? And the answer will always be, they don't matter! Their future is a black hole in the internet where their comments will be quickly forgotten, and they'll disappear as quickly as they surfaced. Protect your future happiness by ignoring them, block them, erase them, do what ever it takes for you to not be affected - life is too important to have to carry other peoples drama - and you (we) know you're far stronger than all that BS. Take care of yourself and those that matter, because that's all that really matters in life :)


Wow that's a lot of positivity there! Thanks but don't worry, my emotions can hardly destroy me. At most I get angry for about 30 minutes then forget that's even happened, I'm a pretty superficial person in that.


The biggest obstacle in this I have come across in my own life is that no doctor mentioned it in my daughter's transition at all. She began hormones at 18 when first allowed. After a year finance sadly effected and she had to stop awhile. When she returned to restart last year, they did a sperm count as part of the bloodwork etc. Hers never returned from the first round. Her count had dropped to almost zero and those were labeled unviable. At this point she was told she could never have children at all. It destroyed her because it's all she ever wanted in life was family and children. The risk is there and there needs to be more information available before starting the hormones of the risk. This was the official route and sadly not a lot give this information so that may freeze for future in case. I am glad you do have the information and you may help others. Do not let those closed mind deter you in any way. As above said their opinions do not matter. Only yours do. For yourself. Whatever is the best route for you. There is no rule must do HRT to be female, that is your brain its female done and done. Some want to change the outer appearance but there absolutely has to be mental therapy and other aspects first. It is not a mental med to prescribe, it is choice only to be made when you are at a point you are stable and healthy with who you are and have all the information so you may decide..