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This has been locked for a long time because I wanted to complete testing it properly, but I can't play the game for long sessions without getting bored so I decided to unlock it, please report any problem with roles not filling you might find (or random townies still spawning if you install also the filters). I'll later update the post to include a tutorial on how to use ShowSimsInfo to debug this mod. 

Please read the description or you'll not be able to download the full mod. I'll keep it short. 

The mod is a combo off Assign NPC Roles and No Randoms since they depend on each other to work and also having no randoms without a way to give the roles can cause problems. 

AssignNPCRoles (click to download) is the main file and allows you to assign some roles to townies from the mailbox. Without the filters, the roles you assign are merely suggestions, the game generally always prefers to generate new townies for roles even if this chenges from patch to patch. If you want to make sure the game picks your sims, you need to install the filters above. 

Generic Roles Filters stops the game from generating sims for service roles only and roles that will not break features if not filled, basically this doesn't include some tricky filters like Cottage Living roles (they cause an error when loading the lots if not filled) Eco Lifestyle roles (they cause LE if not filled) and some others like the Sages. In combination with Assign roles, this will make the game pick your chosen sims as service sims. This file will also give roles randomly to your townies to fill roles. The assignation can take some times because it's tested to keep it the closest possible to how vanilla game creates sims to fill roles (template have specific requirements, like the nanny cannot have the evil trait ever, so the assignation of the roles is also tested with the same requirements). You can remove sims randomly asigned to roles from the mailbox.

Important Roles Filters stops the generation of sims for all the other roles than can cause errors if not filled. I don't randomly give these roles to townies with the mod, so if you decide to install this file, you need to give those roles manually. Most of these roles are already filled by Maxis premades, but if you deleted or lost one of them for other reasons (like if you added them to the household) the roles will need to be given from the mailbox. 

No Random Townies replaces the old No Random 


Sticky Community Roles there are some roles like the bartender that it doesn't matter how much you try, the game tends to fill with its chosen sims. There are many reasons for it like the sim you picked is busy in another role, hired on another lot, etc... this file here forces the game to pick the sims you select. The downside of it is that the game will not be able to give roles automatically so you'll have to pick sims to fill them. 

Only Chosen Sims as Potential Employees this only covers active business roles. While the game puts sims you pick in the list of potential employess, it also puts random sims that conform to the filter. This means that you might end up not finding the sims you picked in the list when you try to hire them. With this file, the game will only list sims you selected as potential employees. You'll need to manually pick the sims before trying to hire them.

Strangerville Jobs these are the military, scientist, paranoid roles in Strangerville I don't randomly give to your townies with the other files. It's separated because I know not everyone wants to play Strangerville storyline, but if you do, and you stop the random generation of townies, you end up with the storyline potentially broken because you can't find the required sims to complete the quests. This file gives the roles randomly to existing not in world and unplayed townies, but only if you visit Strangerville. 



Alex Ryan

(sorry final comment!) I did notice one minor thing - when I allocate NPCs as food vendors, the confirming pop up afterwards says 'you have added X as grocery store owner' instead of vendor. But it doesn't really matter to me personally as I'm just allocating batches of random Sims to each community role regardless of the role type (aside from the special roles per your instructions)


if we previously had the NORANDOM mods and FILTER mods for each world, do we delete those for these mods? or are they needed together?