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I'm going through a playtesting of all mods since I haven't sat down and actually played the game in a long time. All the updates will be posted here.

17 - 10

Rabbithole Veterinary checked, confirmed working. Required a small update.

Customizable Standing Idle Isadomon pointed out the sitting animation is also different between males and females, changing the standing now will also change the sitting, probably not in all the situations because there are a load of sitting interactions, but it shoud work in most.

MBTI Personalities some fixes and balancement for the gameplay, added more buffs, added in-game informations about each MBTI profile regarding the functions they use and the compatibility with other types, made some fixes to the String Tables.

19 - 10

Autonomy Toggle this mod was old, still working but needed a refresh. Fixed the STBL, recategorised the interactions, added a couple to disable the phone idles added by the latest paches both while walking and while watching TV (disabled by default, can be enebled on individual sims). The Mod now has a pie menu icon and always shows in the frontpage. 

Block Access to The Magic Realm still not tested but there was a mistake and the hidden powers from the secret were appearing on sims they weren't supposed to appear on. 


22 - 10

Ages Behaviour Tweak balanced a bit since the autonomy is a bit different now

Lost & Found fixed breakfast

Autonomy Toggle added:

Use Logical Meal Times: sims on full autonomy will not be allowed to eat outside meal times, they're allowed to autonomously eat only from roughly 6 am to 9 am, from 12 pm to 3 pm and from 7 pm to 10 pm

Use Logical Sleep Times: sims on full autonomy will not be allowed to sleep outside sleep time, this varies depending on age, children and elders are allowed to autonomously go to bed roughly starting from 9 pm, teens from 10 pm, everyone else not before 11

Allow Autonomous Repair: unlike the forced autonomy to repair, this one can be kept active and allows Sims to autonomously repair stuff, because in game they don't as far as I know. The autonomy isn't pushed in any way, because what happens when you force it is that they get obsessed with repairing broken elettronics under the rain, and I already had a very bad experience with an autonomous repairing mod at the geek con once. So they might or might not repair the broken stuff. They're also allowed to upgrade things autonomously when this is active.

MBTI Personalities more balancing for gameplay and various fixes, fixed the relationship bits, they shouldn't be duplicated anymore. BloodFireMage reworked the compatibilities to be based on functions and not on the letters type, so they're different now and the old ones will be removed on loading the game. I'll rewrite the description on the main post as soon as I'll be satisfied with the mod, for now compatibility can be checked in game.

I'm currently testing Longer Terms and it will take a bit. 


Other mods checked and good to go without updates:

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  • Zero_Tweaks_HD_NoReactionsToDecor 
  • Zero_Tweaks_BG_SelectiveAutoChat
  • Zero_Tweaks_BG_NoMotivesDistressAutonomy 
  • Zero_DustShite_NoRouteEvents
  • Zero_ALL_MinorAnnoyances_BG_NoPreRoll 
  • Zero_Tweaks_BG_VisitorBehaviour 
  • Zero_BG_QuickOutfits

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  • Zero_ALL_AlwaysTowelAfterShower
  • Zero_ALL_AlwaysTowelAfterShower_Bath_Addon
  • Zero_Tweaks_SE_NoForcedSlowExperience

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  • Zero_Fixes_University_LessAutoBike_NoInventory
  • Zero_Fixes_University_LessAutoBike
  • Zero_ALL_TeaBrewingOnStoves




Do you intend to update the Custom Degrees mod to version 2? Do you still intend to update the mod and add the degree of Bachelor of Law and Pedagogy? That would be very helpful! Anyway thank you!


Are you considering joining curseforge?