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I didn't want to get to this because up to now I was ocasionally bullshitting with the game and it was almost fun, but with the lastest patches it became just boring if not straight up a pain in the arse. 

While I was trying to (not fall asleep) play the game to bring the old mods back working, I realised something: the only thing I want from this game is to be a writing tool, and I want it to leave me the fuck alone with its awful gameplay always getting in the way. 

So I started this project (and it is an ongoing project, I'll remove more things as they annoy me when writing) to completely remove the most annoying gameplay elements:

Emotions - this mod completely removes the emotions system from the game, meaning your sims will not be emotionally affected by all the things that normally would give a moodlet. The only way to change their emotions is by using the cheat to "cheat emotion intensity" I liberated from the debug menu (MCCC will not work, I was previously using it but... that mod is made for gameplay and it takes 5 to 6 clicks to change sim's emotions. I'm not up anymore to waste time like this) 

Here is the cheat conveniently on the fronpage when you click on a sim. That's because it's sometimes useful to manipulate emotions while taking screenshots but I really have no use for the gameplay aspect of it.

Once you cheat an emotion sims will be able to get also emotions from gameplay, but the cheated emotions are usually powerful enough to overpower whatever the game throws at you (except maybe the stupidly overpowered moods from the high maintenance trait)

Needs - managing them is another thing I have no use for while writing so the mod globally locks the needs decay. I was sick of enabling "testingcheats" and lock needs every single fucking time. Needs can still be filled or unfilled by using UI cheats extension or maxis cheats to fill them, they'll stay the way you set the but no game action will change their values (sleeping will not fill energy for example, so if you need to take a screenshot of a sim sleeping without using poses and they keep getting up because their needs are filled, set the motive to half empty and it will stay that way until you set it higher or lower again)

Schools - this is a separate package because it will cause an LE but I give no shit until the game doesn't crash. Schools are enforced for children and teens in game and they're automatically enrolled. When writing, I don't need them to fuck off to a rabbithole... if I don't need the kid in the screenshot I can just lock it in a basement and get it out when I need it for a scene. I don't need to manage this useless aspect but Maxis enforced it. Before, I was using a mod to quit schools, but that requires... making a phone call and waiting for the interaction to complete every single time a family has a teen or a child... waste of time. This package makes schools invalid, so the game complains about not being able to populate the career but the result of not having to waste more time on it is achieved the same because the child will be removed from the enforced school the same. 

Will this mod break your game? Yep that's the purpose... making the game not a game but plainly a storytelling tool... so if you play the game as a game you don't need this one at all, this is only for people like me that use it with the sole purpose of taking screenshots, although playing without emotions makes the game a lot better in my opinion. 

Requires the XML Injector 

Now I'll go back to the painful process of playing the game to update the other mods. 


Michael Hawk

I enjoy vicariously experiencing this game you have a clear hate/love relationship with through your rants. Don't change.


Nope I just straight up hate it at this point... I'm just trying to keep up working on it but there isn't a single thing I like about it


Do you think you could create a version with the emotions removed but keeping need decay?