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5 minutes, the time to test ONE spell, that's how long it took me to be annoyed by: the scratching, the grooming, the sniffing around, the howling and howling back for fucks sake...

So I did this mod to save my sanity.

1. "Look at me I'm so wolfy" idiotic idles blocked when in human form.

2. All the powers that are too obvious to be showed around blocked in human form.

3. The fecking howling!! Wolves now howl back ONLY in beast form.

Occults are interesting and enjoyable when they stay HIDDEN, and among them all werewolves are the ones that are more likely to stay the fuck hidden not go around "discussing being a wolf" or sniffing people... 

For a pack of tree hugging arseholes who want to be accepted by society you're not making any effort to keep a socially acceptable behaviour!


Caught some more interactions.

Renamed "Ask for werewolf empathy" (the fuck does it mean?!!) to "Confess to be a werewolf", this interaction now adds a relbit on the target "know is a werewolf" because why in hell would you play the victims are you wolves or fucking dogs?!!!!!!

Locked some interactions like "Ask about being a werewolf" and "discuss being a werewolf" behind said relbit

>>> Fixed some interactions that on adding the test, were now showing up on wolves for non wolves too.

Eat Normally - makes them stop using the stupid glutton animation when eating

Rampage Wolves Can Fight Played Sims - do we want to talk about the fact that rampaging werewolves cannot start a fight with humans or vampires unless they're NPCs AND the interaction isn't autonomous?! So much for rampaging out of control!

Also added curse bite for fucks sake how a rampaging werewolf cannot curse bite?!!!




For some reason, 'sniff and introduce' was my sims' only greeting, and with this mod they just...can't introduce themselves. The sniffing is a bit annoying but not being able to introduce themselves is worse


Someone else said this, but the "Be Less Idiots Thanks" mod makes it so a werewolf sim can't introduce themselves to a new person while in human form. The "Sniff and Introduce" is the only available introduction option for werewolf sims and it's one of the blocked actions. If you have a chance, would it be possible to either allow "Sniff and Introduce" in human form or make the normal "friendly Introduction" available? :)


Yeah, a "friendly introduction" option would fix it. Everything else is perfect