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Since I (hopefully) finally managed to get rid of "The Sims Community" and the intolerant people in it (more on this later) I decided to give discord another go. 

I'm opening this server for people who'd like to get in touch with other players but don't fit into any of the other communities unless they bite their tongue and people who have been discriminated into other server for various reason, this means that joining requires at least a 10 years old emotional maturity and no opinion will be censored.

if you withewashed all the black premades in game, you're welcome. If you turned them all black, you're welcome. If you only play straight sims you're welcome. If you only play homosexual sims, you're welcome. If you use controversial sex mods, you're welcome, in the appropriate channel, and so on... Just try to be understanding with other people's motivations and don't forget that on the other side of the screen there is another human being. Also remember that what people do in a game =/= who they are in real life. What's not welcome is:

Censorship, attacks on the person instead of the opinion, people wanting to dictate what others do with their game, people who cannot have a mature confrontation with others, and the likes.  

I'm not opening this shit for myself but for others to use so I'll probably not be around much if not to check on the situation, also because I'm too busy trashing Red Dead Redemption 2 right now, and I'm not playing The Sims. There is a mod help channel, I'll not be always there to help with mods, it's more of an help each other thing.

The server isn't limited to talking about The Sims, there is also a channel for general discussions, creative writing and MBTI. 

Here is the link: https://discord.gg/cQkzKewD7N

The server is co-administrated.


Alaric Weird

Thanks for this I've been missing some Sims chat since was forced off Mighty Networks Simstagram.

Scipio Garling

I wasn't able to open the link, I'm afraid. And I do have some modding questions to ask, too, :-(