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I'm seriously thinking about stopping playing the sims completely. With all the pseudo-social bullshit going on about it (I mean complaining about representation, complaining about gender issues, complaining about other million of things that have no place in game and maxis moving to address these issues, wasting time working on useless and pointless features such as updating premades and the pronouns patch) the game isn't only not fun any more, but also not worth investing money on any more. 

I'll keep updating mods, by updating the game on my laptop but I can't assure new mods will come out any time soon because I'm currently disgusted by the game to even try and play it (I plan on stopping the updates and keeping it only to complete Crossing, something I want to finish writing and that, sadly, relies on the game).

Now I want to give the community who likes to fight for social justice and pat themselves on the back for their great achievements a little reality check:

The total of the Sims 4 players amount to 35 million. This number may seem huge but...

The total of US citizens is 333 million, Sims 4 players are 10.49% of US citizen, spread across the world. 

If we look at the total population of the world, that's 7.9 billion, of which the Sims 4 players are the 0.44%.

Fighting for social justice isn't helping anyone, nor is making a huge amount of people aware of some problems, especially because that 0.44% is probably already aware of those problems to begin with.

You're not changing shit for anyone. At all

In case some of these warriors are actually up to invest their energies into something really meaningful instead of putting themselves on high ground for fighting pixel social justice, here are a series of real issues worth giving a look:

Children's Human Rights 

Armed Conflicts 

Freedom Of Expression 

Indigenous Peoples 

Climate Change 

And other funny things you play the Sims to escape from while at the same time complaining about the social rights of Pixel People 



I respect your moral and aesthetic stance, zero. Here's a buck-fifty.


Hmm...after reading through this entire mess of a thread my 2 cents: It's going to be annoying for content creators to update all their mods for small changes that break the game. I feel that. I've dabbled into cc making so I get the headache. I won't say that the pronoun stuff is stupid. I will instead say that unless EAxis gives us the option to choose how we play our game, which includes the option to opt out of features...the pronoun stuff is stupid. I don't like SJW shit forced on me when I game. Games are my escape from the real world and adding those things without the option to disable it is crossing a line I'm not comfortable with. I feel the same way about the "story progression" stuff as well (I want an opt out option) so I'm not complaining just because. Good on you Zero. The sims 4 is turning into something....I don't know what that is...I just know I don't like it. I might just go back to the sims 3 or sims 2 indefinitely.


It's pretty stupid in the context of a game like the Sims (what does it change? Not even picking a male sim over a female sim makes any difference in the way you play the game, especially since they can both get pregnant if you want, too). It's not a heavily text driven game like a RPG where actually you'd get to see the pronoun having a purpose besides being just... There, as an option. Maxis is disregarding the core mechanics of the game to appease the crowd (honestly... How many people read the text in the buffs? It's not like reading the text changes something)