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Since I had a couple of people sending messages or leaving comments and being demanding about replies because "I don't have discord and they had to pay to ask for help" or even asking a refund, Patrons are not charged upfront on my page, pledging, leaving a comment, and deleting the pledge before the end of the month will not make people spend money

I never and will never enable the option, so:

1. I cannot refund people who didn't spend shit to ask a question, and

2. I owe you nothing since the moment you become a Patron until the end of the month you actually didn't spend anything. 




Strange people 😅😅😅😅


And I know many of us are in hard times with the pandemic and all but a dollar refund?!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I swear I use to work in the dollar store and customers would come making a whole breakdown scene for a dollar😭😭😭😭

True AI

Ignore bitchy people, You will never be able to please them. Besides that, even if they did pay, your lowest tier is $1. One dollar! What can you buy with a dollar?


I saw someone making a fuss over 5 cent euro yesterday, nothing surprises me anymore.


wow, sorry you have to deal with entitled people. you are FREELY helping us out, can’t believe people feel so entitled when this is YOUR HOBBY. your work is amazing!


haha I've been blocking them so they have a proper reason to complain, but I wanted this to be clear because I know they're very likely to go around and say that i didn't refund what they didn't spend because removed from my patron before the end of the month.


Sorry to hear you´ve been bitched at. People really seem to think providing a service makes you their servant ( from my own experience as physical therapist ...). Thanks for all your wonderful mods


Start charging a $5.99 'refund fee'. Cha-ching!

Claire Bradley

Seriously? Some people need to get a grip! 🙈


Don't let the stupid people ruin your fun. BTW - generally, if they're THAT dumb, then they don't know they're dumb. You'll never win with them because, you know...logic. Thanks for all the absolutely amazing mods that you make!


thank you for everything you do for us! the normal people out here appreciate it. lol


Dumb people just love making their own stupidity someone else's problem, don't they? 😪 Sorry you have to deal with this!

Emerald Kelly

hi love! i was just wondering if your mods are all compatible with the newest patch? <3


They should all be ok, I haven't posted a note yet because I'm still testing them in gameplay but according to the notes at least, nothing I have modified was touched

Emerald Kelly

Thanks so much Zero! You’re amazing! Thank you so much for what you do ❤️


By the way, someone on MTS updated the spellbook injector to clear some of the errors since the original creator hasn't logged in since 2019. In case anyone is interested. One issue I had was the magic realm vendors not showing up and this may fix that. Someone fixed it by using the newscript and the original package file (the author suggested it as a fix for something else). https://modthesims.info/d/659933/spellbook-injector-v2.html


OMG, I hate people, I swear! I’m sorry you had assholes acting like that. Thanks for sticking with us, we love you.

Aelan Ryland

Wow. I am so sorry people are like that. I for one really enjoy your content and aside from me being dumb and not figuring out the issues, I've had no problems with your mods. They are so helpful.