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All Realm of Magic smaller mods in one post:

Magic Training Fix: fixes the mentor not facing the student during training

Stop The Fecking Vendors: stop the vendors from leaving their roles to go around the Realm and chat with sims

Charge Cooldowns: no cooldown for building charge, longer cooldowns before being able to decharge

Don't Turn NPC Into Spellcasters: Non occult sims will not be turned into spellcasters to cover the walby role in the Realm, only already occult sims can be picked (doesn't work with NPCC)

Harder Sages: More Relationship: higher relationship required to learn from the Sages

Harder Witchcraft: makes witchcraft harder; adds a new bloodline trait that all sims without another bloodline trait will get (this trait will be removed if another bloodline trait is added). XP gain is reduced for everyone. Charge goes up faster and decreases slower. Casting spells fails more often (especially for clumsy sims), there is a random chance to get very charged when casting spells. Higher bloodlines keep the bonuses. The perks Power Shunt and Master Caster are made more relevant. Spells and potions are harder to unlock from practice and experimenting 

Longer Repulsive: the effect of the spell will last longer

Love Spell Tweak: the casters can pick themselves as the target

No Familiar Confident Buff: makes the confident buff from a summoned familiar hidden

No Situation Outfits Mages HQ: spellcasters will wear the normal everyday outfit in the Realm

No Successful Casting Post Animations: removes the stupid animation spellcasters do after casting a spell

Perks Cost More: makes perks cost more, but unlock them from the tree, so you can unlock the highest ones without having to unlock the useless one before. 

Portal Only Spellcasters: only mages will be seen going in and out the Glimmerbrook portal

Stronger Infatuate: infatuate will raise the romance bar more. Works with Romance Lock 

Too Many Needs Potion: adds a consequence to living on potions, abusing the need potion will give an uncomfortable buff. 

Walkby Broom: MagicHQ Only: spellcasters will use brooms only in the Magic Realm

Wands Decrease Charge: wands are only visual in vanilla, this makes using them give a bonus.

Create Motes: if you use some of my mods like runes of magic ritual that require motes, and don't want to go in the realm to get them, your witches can now create them, if they have the mote sight perk. Vampire witches with persona power potent can create them too.

Make Glowy Potion increases XP while active. This potion does nothing apart from playing a vfx. Now it makes the XP gain x2.











UPDATE: 02/05 Patch Update- may be 02/06? I'm not sure...


Does this "Zero_Tweaks_RoM_DontTurnNpcIntoSpellcasters" replace your "Zero_RoM_DontTurnNpcIntoSpellcasters" or are they two different things. Is there an updated version for "Zero_RoM_DontTurnNpcIntoSpellcasters" or is the one last updated Nov 12, 2019 still usable? Love your stuff. I just became a patron. :) Also I use Bienchen's townie_lessframe. Any conflicts?


Tweaks one is the most recent one. I'm not sure if bienchen mod conflicts with this one but it's very likely, that mod overrides all filters in game.


Thank you I'll just install the tweaks one then. BTW have you seen the crazy way the foxes are showing up in the household list & their CAS images? I hope they fix it. They look nightmarish. LOL


they're not supposed to show up in the household list much less be added to households like they can now, they should be set hidden but for some reason they're not... I haven't investigated it.