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There are two things Sim players complain about: the constant drinking water and the constant hands washing. These two things are actually controlled by two hidden needs all sims have: thirst and hygiene hands. 

You never see them in the UI, but they're there and affect autonomy. With these two simple mods, you'll now get to see when your sims are thirsty:

And when their hands feel dirty, and it will probably help you understand why they wash hands and drink so often. It's a nice little touch of realism Maxis put in game from the beginning (and I have reason to think thirst specifically was supposed to be an actual need along with hunger) and everyone hates.


Visible Hygiene Oral... yup, they have this too but it's not always on, the need is given when sims brush teeth and removed when it gets to minimum.


Since I'm enjoying taking care of more needs...

Oral Hygiene PLUS

Made Oral Hygiene stick... once the sim gets the commodity, it will not be removed on convergence but it will  stay as a need. You still need to start it by brushing teeth once.

The convergence value is changed from 0 to -100

At -75 the sims will feel uncomfortable from low oral hygiene

Enabled autonomy. They can only brush teeth autonomously if the commodity is less than -50. The autonomy needs the xml injector.

Added: a package that turns the confident buff from brushing teeth into a regular +1 happy.

ADDED: More depth to Oral Hygiene in the PLUS version!

Your sims can now experience the joy of caries!

Having a bad Oral Hygiene has now the chance of giving caries. It starts with pain only when eating, ignore the problem and it will turn into pain that lasts after eating for some time and will end in a constant pain. This is one of the strongest pains your sim can experience (+10 uncomfortable) and will not go away.

You can try and solve the problem by brushing teeth, but the only solution that will 100% work is visiting the Dentist (under household, when experiencing the symptoms), and it will cost a fuckload of money (525) and time. Caries is especially dangerous for Vampires, as it will block their ability to drink blood.

Blacklisted: slob sims from autonomously washing teeth, they also don't get the buff but they can still get the caries.


- Thirst decays faster (should be faster than hunger)

- Thirst decays even faster when hot or burning

- Thirst decays slower when cold or freezing

- Thirst decays faster for elders

- Being seriously dehydrated can make your sims collapse

Also fixed the string tables.




Blacklisted NPCs from getting the buffs and collapsing because the game doesn't handle the thirst motive the same way it handles the others on NPCs, and turns out: they don't drink enough.

For thirst and oral hygiene, only select one version.



Hey Zero! Thank you for this! Does VisibleThirst has all 3 included? Cause, when I translated it, it showed the keys to the other two as well ;)

Claire Bradley

This mod is great in game. Simple but effective especially for realistic gameplay. Thank you :)


And here I had thought water was just not a need in SimVerse. I had thought drinking water was just to moisturize their mouths and the had washing was just after painting or gardening or something.


Nope, they were originally one package I separated in 3... I deleted the strings but apparently Sims 4 Studio didn't like it. The other packages have their Strings, you can delete them from the thirst one.


There are many things that decrease the hygiene hands in game. You may end up having them washing hands MORE than they do autonomously.


This makes so much sense. Thanks EA 4 not including it.


So I LOVE this. Thank you for sharing! But I'm noticing my sims do wash their hands more with this mod. Does this conflict with your "less handwashing" mod?


Nope, it's intended behavior. They wash hands more because I pushed them to do it once the buff pops up to solve the need being in red (when the buff pops up the commodity is already on it's minimum value) the other mod is tested for -25 in this same commodity so they're already allowed to do it. Turns out in Maxis they don't wash hands nearly enough to keep them clean


The link for Visible Oral Hygiene Plus isn't working for me..


Thanks for this. Vampire tooth care addition made me smile. I do have to ask would this conflict with LMS's auto brush teeth after eating/puking? Or should I just put this in my Override folder just in case?


I don't know if she edited the commodity oral Hygiene or just the buff... The autonomous interaction here is custom so it will not conflict with any mod editing maxis interaction directly. the only thing I override here is the commodity and the buff in the separate package to change the mood.


hey something to consider, installation instructions. people will normally just download everything listed for download. but sometimes that isn't the modder's intent. Can you perhaps include a hey, either get this one or this one or include an instruction that simply says download all if all parts are needed?


Thank you for this. I can't get the link for visible thirst to work.


It works for me... try again in a bit, Patreon probably is having problems.


Hey Zero, this mod is turning into something 😁 I was wondering, I just had a Sim having a bath and, after that, unfortunately he still had the dirty hands buff/moodlet (I always get confused with these two...) Is there a way to fix that or...?


I guess the take bath interaction doesn't fill the hygiene hands commodity (shower does, I tested it)... I can't fix it easily without overriding the bath interactions, something I'd rather not do for an issue like this one.


Hey again Zero! It's really not an issue but, whenever I put my Sims into gardening (directly on soil) or floral arranging, obviously they get their hands dirty but they get the discomfort mood and I'm obliged to make them wash hands all the time :/ I need to have a hand washer nearby so they don't have to walk far to wash them ahah For example, when gardening, they only have the time to harvest on a single plant that they get the discomfort mood... Even if they were happy, and no negative buffs were there. Could you check if that happens in your game?


Yeah that's maxis... unfortunately I'd need to edit every single interaction to modify that, since most of them are set to send the stat to minimum (so not even increasing the stat would work)


Ah damn... Thanks for looking into it though! 👍


Cool mod! 🙏 thank you Possible to get bad breath broadcast with a poor oral hygiene, that can affect other Sims arround? IRL this can be really uncomfortable in some cases. How will this affect NPC? Will they also get buffs and feel bad for dirty hands?


it's possible, you just need the broadcaster in the buff, but I'll not do it because I can't stand these kind of things even when maxis adds them (I already removed all the reactions introduced by the "traits improvements" patch). NPCs are not affected by thirst, because they were collapsing too often, they're affected by the others (for now)


Haha I play with autonomy off for the most part, so I didn't even know this was a thing.


I didn't even know this was a thing until now that makes much more sense I love this. thank you.


The dirty hands debuff is being applied to dogs, and tanking their mood.


the buff is attached to the hygiene hands commodity pets don't have in vanilla, and since no pets interaction advertises that commodity I wonder how they got it in your game.