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I've been though a nightmare to cause nightmares to your Sims, but finally I managed to finish this!

This mod is meant to make Ghosts more enjoyable to play.

The first effect of the mod is giving Ghosts their very own energy bar:

Ghostly Energy

Ghosts use Ghostly Energy to exist in the livings world. They'll not have physical needs like hunger and bladder anymore (Pets don't have a custom bar, but they have some needs like hunger LOCKED, the energy, affection, bowel and fun still go down), instead they have this need that naturally goes down by day, and goes up at night. Different kind of ghosts have a different decay rate, and consume/recharge energy with their normal activities (all but humans):

Vampires: energy goes down a lot faster for ghosts vampires, but goes up a lot faster at night. They can still drink from sims to recharge energy, and use the dark meditation the same way as when they were alive, in addition to the standard ways a ghost can recharge (we'll see later)

Mermaids:  energy goes down slower for them, they can recharge by swimming and taking baths, they use ghostly energy for mermaid powers instead of hygiene. 

Witches: energy goes down slightly faster by day and up slightly faster by night. They use energy to cast spells and work magic. Build charge replaced with focus energy for ghosts, they can recharge a bit that way.

Aliens: energy goes down a lot slower.

Witches and Vampires have a night bonus. While normally they use ghostly energy to use powers and cast spells, none of this will have a cost at night.

Haunted houses: living in a haunted house will make energy go down slower and up faster for everyone. A ghost living in a haunted house will also get a +1 happy buff at night: happily haunting the place.

Ghostly energy is recharged for everyone in two ways:

Sleeping in a urn:

Ghost can only properly sleep in their own urn, they can rest in all the object they can normally possess to recharge a bit of energy (very little)

Draining Sims:

Possessing sims to drain energy from them is the faster way to recharge, it will drain their energy and reduce their lifespan, though.

Since this interaction was restricted to the murphy bed ghost and I used it for the drain sims system, this mod requires Tiny Living to work.

Ghosts can also declare their alignment:

Good ghosts will have a bonus interacting with the livings, while Evil ghost will unlock the option to kill a Sim the same way they died:

Evil and Mean sims cannot be Good Ghosts, Good and Proper sims cannot be Evil Ghosts.

There is also a new interaction if you click on your ghost to haunt the place:

They'll go around looking scary and scaring the shit out of sims while the lights go on and off for about a hour. This increases fun for them... and makes other sims panic.

Declaring the alignment is not required.

This mod requires the XML injector and Utility - Death Interactions to work.

You also need to update these mods for them to work correctly with the new ghosts UI:

Pre-Updates for Better Ghosts

Inside the package there is a Vampire Enabler: this is required, but if you use Sunlight Weakness SIMS 3 Style don't put this file in your mod folder as they conflict, the mod is updated to work with this one.

Now that we got the important things sorted out, the link to download this mod is HERE and the file attached to the post is a fake. Putting it always at the bottom of the post would be too easy.

In addition to the new features:

Added VFX and power cost to possess things, possessing things will have a will o wisp visual effect on top of the object (see the urn above) and will consume Ghostly energy, also added a cooldown for the autonomy. 

Reworked outcome of maxis standard interactions: scaring sims will now... scare sims for real, the ghost will be playful, not embarrassed, the scared sim will be scared.

Reworked reaction to ghosts: seeing a ghost possessing stuff will not cause sims around to just be surprised, it will scare the shit out of them, causing them to panic and run away. Added a cooldown to the reaction and they should depend on relationship. If they have a good relationship with the ghost they should not react, in case you want a sim to live with ghosts.

Ghosts now have their own proper PieMenu: all the ghost interaction are moved under the ghost PieMenu.

- Note that this mod doesn't support and never will support (none of my mods will ever support) hybrids. If your sim has two occult traits this mod will not know what to do and the UI will be broken.



Fixed some strings, added optional package to improve Temperance autonomy (Paranormal package), Temperance and Guidry will also be given the bad/good ghost traits (Guidry will not autonomously angrily haunt the lot, he can still happily haunt as that increases the house serenity) and fixed other things I don't remember right now but I'm pretty sure they were important. 




Wow, thank you! I'm currently a little tired of playing (with all the bugs), but this is a good reason to start again.


This is amazing!


You are my hero. This is exactly what I wanted out of a ghost mod 😍🥰🤩


Your mods fill my heart with joy. Special thanks for this one. <3


Thank you, thank you, thank you 🙏 this is the update I wanted EA to do when creating happy haunts stuff pack. You are once again amazing! 👏❤


the worst part is that there were already some amazing things to use (see the interaction in tiny living, that's incredibly good) but they decided to make... pokemons.


Great work! <3


Hi! A thing i have noticed play testing. When traveling to another lot the ghostly energy bar goes back to full. Another thing i noticed is that u cannot bring back to life ( at least with the spell) a sim who is dead by flies ( but could be for sure base game bug) i also don tunderstand if something should happen if the gostly bar goes all way down, like it s just about flavor or they should go back to netherworld?


Another thing i noticed is that u cannot bring back to life ( at least with the spell) a sim who is dead by flies - not caused by this mod, this doesn't even touch ghosts traits, only the ghost buff the rest is all new tuning, much less touches anything regarding resurrecting sims. When the bar goes all way down the sim turns into a puddle of goo but after a while (min 60 minutes after they get the last tired buff, to give them time to autonomously get into the urn, when they decide to be smart). Looking into the first thing now.


Are any of the new ghost abilities autonomous? Will a visiting ghost drain life or do the haunt?


drain life is not autonomous, sleep in the urn, possess ad haunt are, but I can't tell how often they will, that's on the game.

Kellie Schiavone

I'd say EA should just hire you, but that'd probably be an insult to you ... in any case, this mod looks amazing, and now I have to decide whether to actively kill off some Sims to try it out or wait for them to show up naturally. ;)


Ghots have needed so much attention and I realize that EA isn't going to allow the sims team time to do it. Here you are, doing the hard work to make my occults interesting and FUN to play. I've never had much use for playing as a ghosts. You may have changed my mind about that now.


I really like this mod, it’s been fun so far. Not sure if this is a feature or a glitch but after having a sim do a ghastly ritual on the seance table she turned into ghost but didn’t turn back and is still a ghost. I can have her de-deathified so not a huge deal, just a heads up if that’s not intentional.


That's not even this mod causing it unless you mean that the overly was not removed (the ui), in which case, the mod was updated two days ago to fix it... but if after the séance she was supposed to turn back and she didn't, that's on maxis. Nope, the spell is not going to work (ghosts from the séance have a special trait not included in the resurrect loot nor in the wishing well. You need to manually remove the trait)


It's surely a loot on add and a loot on remove on the buff like for the skeleton that adds and removes the trait... it always work flawlessly in testing, but fails to work in gameplay sometimes.


so i fully admit i'm most likely in the wrong, but does this mod conflict with your vampires can kill mod? i brought back a cattle and i don't see ANY of these features


did you update vampires can kill? they conflicted but the mod was updated to accommodate for the conflict


No, the needs page looks the exact same, as if they were alive


I have the vampireenabler version of the ghosts mod


So I think I figured it out... For the mod to work, you need to have the mod installed... (I had the vampireenabler file installed, but not the main file..)


Yep... you didn't have the mod installed at all... the vampire enabler is a required file not a version of the mod, but I kept it separated because of a conflict, you need both the vampire enabler and the main mod. the main mod is always required.


Does this update fix the problem where temporary ghosts do not return to human state? With the mod installed, temporary ghosts (for example, Ghastly consequences trait or Spiritual Ascendance,) stay that way permanently when it's time to change back to a regular sim.


I recently unsubbed from all my patreons as I'm trying to save money, but I keep coming back to yours again and again, and am just in awe of your talent! I had to sub! I looove all the spooky stuff you create, all the add ons for spellcasters etc etc etc. I feel like you make all the mods I would if I had the ability, like almost every single one features an issue that I've thought about before. The vet rabbit hole, etc etc. Thank you SOO MUCH for sharing all of these and for all of your hard work and for being awesome!


Thanks. There is a discord for mod support eventually, you can find the link in the master posts, you don't need to be a Patreon if you're trying to save money for more important things.

Nathan Jones

What’s the difference between the Zero All Better Ghosts and the Zero Better Ghosts files? The one in the link here has two newer files in it. But the one from the google drive has older files.

Kellie Schiavone

Hey, just a heads up, I think the "the link to download this mod is HERE" is the old version - at least, when I opened it up, the files had the date of the last update (6/15), not today's (6/25). The link at the bottom of the post appears to be correct.


Hey Zero, found a few bugs while playing not sure where to report them, hope this is ok. So from what I understand your mod adds another Ghost trait, issue is sometimes when reviving it doesn't remove both traits, only one gets removed so they still stay as a ghost. Would it be possible to have the modded trait remove itself if the other one is removed at any point? A good example of this would be using the paranormal seance table to temporarily turn into a ghost for a few hours, when the buff expires and you should turn back again but unfortunately you stay as a ghost.


The trait should already be removed once the sim is revived. I need to know: type of ghost and way of resurrection used.