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I hate this spell. And I hate it for two reasons:

- the simple fact that it's in game causes me problems on a storytelling front, being able to spawn a clone that is a full sim makes every struggle pointless... why worry when you can make infinite copies of yourself?!

- No mage should be able to spawn a full working sim, at most, it can be a golem... not a sim with full free will...

So, I reworked the spell to make the clone feel less like its own person and more like a puppet. I also added more control options and made the evil clone on failure more evil:

You can also get rid of the clone when you want, now... I also changed that animation into a turning into dust one, to make them feel even more like a spell and not a sim. If you like to play god, you can still give your clone LIFE with the turn into real sim option (from rank 5 up). At this point, you'll lose control of them, they'll be set as sibling to your sim, and also... they will change traits to something random:

And you can add them to the household if you want to. 

Since I wasn't in the mood to make new STBL, this mod is an addon of Expanded Necrocall 




Grazie! Alla fine ci hai fatto contenti lo stesso ;) Ci sono alcune opzioni sul clone però a cui manca la descrizione.


Ah... Ci credo, non ho caricato il file del mod principale aggiornato, quindi mancano le nuove strings.


Kewl. Any chance he can duplicato a sim of the opposite sex? Or even a change sex spell?