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This mod requires:

THE XML INJECTOR, Spellbook Injector, Death Interactions and Ability to Read 

A bit early, but I'll be busy and I wanted this out for Halloween.

This is a rework of Voodoo. In game, the most Voodoo does is giving a buff. That's not even, technically, Voodoo... so, what's Voodoo?

Voodoo is a religion, with a deep spirituality and esoteric, born in Africa and imported in the USA by those people who were taken from their homes and used as slaves. In those times, Voodoo has been very important to keep people together a fight oppression, so much that the people in power opposed this religion in very way. Voodoo is also a Monotheistic religion, they don't worship the Loa, they serve the Loa and the Loa serve them in return, but they worship only a God. For this, it mixed with Catholicism and Christianism very well. The magic component is only one part of Voodoo. This mod is based on Louisiana Voodoo to include both Hoodoo and Voodoo.

What Voodoo is NOT: Black Magic.

This mod aims to give back to Voodoo a bit of its meaning, the religion, though, is very ceremonial and hard to port in the sims. 

As far as the relationship with the Loa goes, new options are available from an unbound Voodoo doll to interact with these Spirits:

Using these options will allow you to learn spells, alchemy, initiate yourself to magic, without relying on The Realm.

Kanzo: initiation ritual of Voodoo, now in Voodoo, the initiation happens through possession by spirits. The Kanzo ritual will turn a regular Sim into a witch, they'll be possessed by the Loa for about two day, after that, the other options too will be utilizable.

The options are open to all sims, but they do nothing unless you do things in order... to do things in order, the firs Loa to contact is Papa Legba. He will open the contact with the other Loa and allow you to learn from them. The Kanzo ritual doesn't open the door automatically. 

Papa Legba will turn your witch into a Voodoo witch.

In Voodoo, working magic doesn't happen like in occidental magic by working energies, when you cast a spell, the Loa casts it for you, for this Voodoo witches build no charge. Instead, they consume Loa satisfaction. The satisfaction doesn't go down unless you cast spells. If it goes down too much, they'll stop working for you until you'll bring it up again. The option to cast will be blocked. You can keep them satisfied by offering them food:

Every food is fine. They'll take their part, and after that, the food can be consumed:

After contacting Papa Legba, contacting other Loa will unlock spells, there are tooltips to see what unlocks what:

Working with the Loa is the only way to unlock the Zombiefy spell at rank 4

The Zombiefy spell is the most powerful mind control spell, it allows you to have a permanent zombie that will work and fight for you under command:

The Zombie is your until you free them:

The options change if the Zombie is a regular sim,  spellcaster or a vampire. Mermaids and bots cannot be zombified. Don't worry for their needs, the stats are locked (you can still direct the zombie if it's a member of the household)

Witches and The Voodoo Doll:

The Doll has new different options for witches, these are open to all witches under magic:

The names are the same, the effects are different (there are tooltips):

Not all of them are deadly:

Enjoy! Happy Halloween!


14/12 - LE should be fixed




When you say that you can "initiate yourself to magic, without relying on The Realm" does it mean one can become a witch through the doll? Or do you need to first become a witch the traditional way or be born one before you can use the doll to progress with magic?


Bellissimo! :)


It'll take time for me to test this, but I had to say that this is what I love about your work. Not only that the mods make the game interesting and make the depth of storytelling visible but the research behind this. It is so easy to just use the well known tricks and bits (like EA seems to do) when it come to things like witchcraft, voodoo, hoodoo and shamanism but it is all together another thing to actually find knowledge and handle these things with respect. Your take is both considerate and -to my taste- enjoyably witty and balanced for gameplaying. (Sorry about the "deranged-fan-rant", but i appreciate this too much to shut up completely.)


I like to do my researches and also, I like variety in game... maxis system of magic is an immense cauldron of stuff put together in the worst way, Harry Potter style. In the end, it comes out just aseptic, and all the mages feel the same.

Kitamu Latham-Sampier

This is perfect! I created a Vampiric Witch who has Voodoo Elements to her and adding this is the icing on the cake!!!

Athena Apollos

É's aunt is the PERFECT Sim to try this out on... I can picture her mixing Catholicism and Voodoo. É and his family are from Louisiana, so this makes sense. Thank you for making the Voodoo doll more than a silly prop!

Kellie Schiavone

I love how you're expanding the horizons of this game and making it possible for us to create a wide range of stories and playstyles. Thank you!


Hi ! the mod is amazing ! I was testing it before and when i try to learn alchemy with the doll i just got the potion in the inventory but the recipe it s not unlocked. I also noticed that my witch experimenting in the cauldron get s a lot of items from it, more than usual.


I didn't touch the cauldron in this mod at all... I'll look into the potion unlock


So a few questions about this mod: how can you tell how much favor you have left with the loa, how do you unlock the ability to gain the ultimate spells as the button is always highlighted and really only gives exp for clicking it, and I'm not sure how the offer to load option works as it only really lights up regardless of what youre doing and there isnt a way that i know of to see how much favor you gain and none of the items that ive tested on show that they lost any servings. So when i want to use chillio and im empty i usually have to offer food 2-3 times and otherwise she goes to use it > it cancels itself > and she is empty again. Thank you for all that youve done with this mod though, it is absolutely amazing and very well done :)


The favor with the loa mirrors be the charge gain. The ultimate spell is unlocked at rank 4 for voodoo witches as for description. The loa only take the energy value of the food, no change is made to it on the material plane. The satisfaction is 300, every spell consumes 50, every food gives 50.


I don't play with magic often, so this mod isn't really for me, however.... I'm really impressed by this. It's nice to see Voodoo more accurately represented. I'm no expert, far from it, but I know enough to roll my eyes whenever someone starts talking about "black magic voodoo." I'm sure there are practitioners out there that would appreciate your efforts to present a more accurate version of their faith.


I just wanted to tell you thank you for this. I'm from the Caribbeans (Haitian/Dominican) so Vodou is part of my culture and heritage. The fact that you went out of your way to actually research Voodoo (you're more focused on Louisiana Voodoo in this mod, but it's still pretty much the same root as Haitian Vodou and etc) makes me happy. I actually teared up seeing this. Your mods have always been a blessing and I just wanted to become a patron of yours because of your dedication. This was just the icing on the cake. Sincerely thank you for this.


You're welcome! I actually really like vodou, it's one of those things you can't easily define into one category or another.


As a Haitian I really appreciate this mod, now I can add some of my culture to the game. Thank you so much!!!!!


I got a BE report when I wanted to play the game. I have already put other four mods in Mods file.


[manus] Exception in ._tuning_loaded_callback. (NotADirectoryError: [Errno 20] Not a directory: '/Users/wangxinyue/Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods/r3m_spellbook_injector.ts4script/spellbook_injector/../../spellbook_injector.log')


Thanks a lot! I don’t know how to send you my LE file on patreon. So I post it on mods support channel of discord.


Yeah, it is. I couldn’t use spell injector mod because my computer system is mac OS. Thankfully Zero made another version for me, so I don’t need this mod anymore. I really appreciate his help!!

Obscure Effler

Can I ask something? This mod is compatible with all your other mods?


Hello, When I offer food to the Lwa, the food just disappears. I'm thinking another mod might be causing it, but am not sure which one (unless I do a 50/50). Any leads on what type of mod might affect it? Also, I sometimes get a LE when clicking on the Voodoo Doll when it's in my Sim's inventory. Thanks again for doing what you do.


No I added the food disappearing thing when offering to make it a bit more challenging. Can you pass me the LE?


Hello! First things first, I rlly like this mod! I need some help! I cannot find the option to de-zombify a sim


Any word on whether we should be using Simsonian's updated version 2 of the Spellbook Injector since they took over updating it about a year ago? Or do we need to use the outdated r3m version that hasn't been updated since 2019? I don't know details on everything Simsonian changed, but I'd assume they wouldn't change so much that it would destroy all the mods made to work with the original and it's mod description does mention compatibility with some Zero mods. https://www.patreon.com/posts/55723766


You can use the new one I don't use the spellbook injector to inject the spell in game only to add it to the spellbook anyway (basically it's not even required it's just for completion)


Not working with the newest game version + classic Spellcasters. You can get Zombify spell. You can zombify a sim. You can't de-zombify a sim. This option just not showing around others like e.g. make food, sleep, but... If you remove zombify moodle from the sim manually (cheat, MCC, whatever), you can find de-zombify in the spells menu, but of course, it's not working anymore. You can't use zombify once again.