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Morgyn and Darrel are constantly arguing in my save, they're both argumentative... and I was bored of them arguing about music... so I wanted to add more...

In order to achieve this... I had a pretty bad argument with the game... it doesn't like arguments to be injected... so I had to merge this mod with ages behaviour tweaks and add the interactions directly in the buffs.

The original description of AGES BEHAVOIUR TWEAK:

Children and teens will not decide to collect dishes and trash autonomously, you will have to influence them, or force them to do it, they will be more messy.

Adults and elders will not browse the phone as much, they will prefer reading.

All ages will choose way less to do pointless things like view art or sculpture because I don't play the game to look at pixel people looking at something, nodding like idiots.

This one is the same with more arguments type added. Some arguments are restricted to some kind of occults:

Mermaids can argue about living on land

Aliens about intergalactic travel

Vampires about drinking blood

Witches about magic

Some are exclusive of some traits. Some are exclusive between husband and wife. There are a bunch, I'll not list them all. Put both files in your folder and remove the old mod if you had it.



11/21 Added more autonomy modifications:

I implemented in the mod the autonomy modifications I use in my game to alter what sims do. I originally added these modifications in the attempt to alter some behaviour sims have, like obsessive dancing, eccessive watching TV and playing games, autonomous singing, eccesive use of the computer and obsessive reading, without touching interactions.

The behaviour is altered via buffs, making elders not likely at all to dance (this can be altered by some situations, like parties, where the sims are pushed to dance, but they shouldn't dance in normal situations if you have the stereo on) while teens should still be fairly prone to burst into dancing. The same applies to all the other behaviour I altered (elders are more likely to read, while YA are less). 

To turn off autonomy on a singular interaction basis, I suggest the use of SCAM it allows you to set the autonomy for the interactions on and off on the fly and makes ALL non autonomy mods obsolete, allowing you to: remove some packages (too many slow up the game), remove the need of constantly updating No Autonomy mods that break too often for what they do (turning off the autonomy is a matter of changing a setting from true to false) and to change your mind in game, on the go, about the autonomy of a specific interaction (you can turn off the watch TV interaction from two days, then turn it on again without exiting the game). Scumbumbo's version still works, but a version of the mod is also included in MCCC 



Athena Apollos

This looks AWESOME!!! É's aunt and uncle argue ALL THE TIME too. It's nice to have more stuff to argue about.


Lovely!! The problem I have is that after every mean interaction sims automatically do something or say something nice. Even one time I argued at the landlord and he went in my apartment and im like omg what is he gonna do 😱😱 Boom! He started washing dishes 😳 So I was wondering if you had a mod to stop nice interactions directly after mean ones?


this one may help but doesn't stop it completely https://www.patreon.com/posts/social-autonomy-30551261


Again zero you proof your one of the best modders in the community with the new mods you're getting out , I check your page almost every day and you really don't disappoint me,


anyway i had an idea and was hoping if it would be possible to implement in a new mod, it consists of having an interaction like get to know or as if single but it's about asking about how life is going for example and the response would be in the shape of stating any active buff the target sim has in a notification as the answer, I think it will add depth to the social interaction and let the player know more about what other sims are going through, hope you try it if you like it enough and think its possible to implement, much love :)


can be based on two things, mood and buffs category and the first one would be better. Can't be based on buffs for two reasons: there are too many, and would be a mess to keep up with the new packs.. but the answer can totally be based on the mood of the target.


I feel like the more specific the responses the better to have depth and kind of unexpected outcome, so it feels like really finding out things you don't know, do you think it's possible to execute it with the common and major buffs only things like embarrassed, starving, grungy etc.or maybe a combination of both?


How often are sims supposed to look at things compared to before. My sims child keeps staring at pictures a lot the adults I haven't had that issue. Also, do you know if this mod is incompatible with any other offhand? It's actually the family portrait that he keeps staring at.


this has nothing to do with this mod, this one only removes certain autonomous actions. I notice sims starring more than before, too.... I don't know if the interaction is added into the buffs I used in here, though.


Absolutley love this mod! Makes Gameplay a little better :) But it seems like the Behaviour package is outdated. For some reason my sims couldn't fetch quick meals. I tested which mod was responsible for this bug and it was the Behaviour one. The other add-ons seem still to work just fine though!