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 THIS MOD REQUIRES: Island Living, Discover University and The Xml Injector

If you read my Comic Crossing you know where this comes from. If you don't, here is a quick recap for you:

In July 2019 I started writing that stuff, and I had my vision on Witchcraft. I had worked a figure of a witch living in the forest, and that was my interpretation of the Granite Falls useless Hermit. Then RoM came out, and they gave us the version of magic I was afraid they would: Harry Potter/Fantasy crap.

Now, here is the thing: unless is cruel, grounded on actual medieval and realistic (Skyrim, The Witcher, Dragon Age) I don't like fantasy settings. Much less I like the Magic Academy trope or "fairy-tale" stuff. I tried to work around that, but I can't like it. Witchcraft to me has nothing to do with learning magic in school.

So I bring you: Traditional Witchcraft

We went down the left hand of Magic with the Black Magic mod and working with the ancient Lovecraftian gods... this is the right hand path.

Traditional witchcraft is about working with spirits... so the first thing a Traditional Witch can do, and a regular one can't, is calling upon those spirits:

By clicking anywhere on the terrain, they have the ability to summon spirits on the lot (they spawn kind of in the most weird places, but look around, you can't miss them) these are the same entities you get from the "island spirits" lot trait, so you can use that too.

The Spirits can:

- Make a regular Sim a Witch (traditional witch by default)

- Make a vampire a vampire witch if you have Vampire magic

- Make a witch a traditional witch

- Teach spells

- Bless you when you ask them to teach you magic or...

- Curse you.

This depends on the relationship you have with them. In order to keep a good relationship you need to show them gratitude, and you do this by making offerings:

You can make offerings by a bonfire or... a stone altar you will find under Surfaces - Misc:

This is a clone of the one that comes with University and you can place it where you want.

You can offer harvestable, collectibles, or blood packs (we'll come back to this later)

So... how does someone goes on unlocking the ability to summon the spirits and ask them for magical power? Here is the fun part... you need to ask a Traditional Witch. There is no other way to unlock the option than this and I'll not add any. There is a option under the cheat menu, cheat sims info, to add the trait to any witch you want:

I'm not sure if you need a mod like the All cheats unlock to access this menu. A way in gameplay to have a traditional witch is... having a shaman.

I renamed the child of the island trait to shaman, because for how I see it, that's maxis take on some shamanic traditions of the Hawaii. Now, shamanism is closely connected with Asian and Siberian culture and all the populations derivate from that (like Native Americans and Hawaiian.) You can't become a shaman, you're chosen to be one, due to this, shamans have ALL THE OPTIONS unlocked by default and can summon the spirits and ask them for magic straight up.

Once you have a traditional witch, you can ask about traditional witchcraft, you can unlock the spirits and become a traditional witch yourself.

Things a Traditional Witch can do and a regular witch can't:

Use vampires dark meditation:

They'll gain witch xp (I tried  to enable the vampire routing too, but I can't without touching a main file)

Collect blood and make blood packs from themselves:

You can then offer them to the spirits, or give them to vampires... you can offer the medical packs you buy, too.... vampires can only offer blood from other people (on another note, they don't suffer the same consequences if they ignore the spirits, being closer to the spirit world, they're more clement with them)

And, of course, they can ask spirits to teach them magic without relying on the Sages:

Also, they can see the spirits around the altar, but you can disable it by putting an additional file into the overrides folder.

Known issue: some things like fishes cause a routing error when try to make an offering by the bonfire.


The sim used in the preview of this mod is shared here to replace the hermit of the forest in Granite Falls in the role of the hermit npc and traditional witch.

Nephele as The Hermit of GF (and Traditional Witch)



Russian (trail_of_blood) - French ( ArzazTrad ) - Portuguese ( Melqui Viana)



09/01 - Updated for Master Magic. Unlocked the special Master Magic powers for Traditional Witches and Vampire Traditional Witches.




Impressive. Most impressive! What mod causes the cryptic "Force Breasts ON" Pie menu option?


The gender options one. It just enables the maxis trait "force breasts on" on every sims. Read the description of that mod to know why.


Hi! I translated the mod into Russian. http://simfileshare.net/folder/107459/


already?! I have other strings to add... I'll add them in a separate package.


So cool, can't wait to try. But one thing I didn't understand, did you change the existing child of the island, or did a clone? I don't remember but thought that was a CAS trait, did you make it so that it won't be selected in CAS, because I didn't follow on how to be chosen. 🤔


I love this kind of magic so much. I have never been into the whole Potter-thing and this mod - as well as the lovecraftian side- warms my creepy little mind and soul. Thank you for your hard work and ideas.


Neither. I only took the string table and changed the name from child of the island to shaman. I didn't even touch the trait. Everything else is made in the interactions. It's still the original maxis one though, with the additions of some spirits interaction from this mod here (like summoning spirits and building a relationship with them. Shamans can do that without being witches.


You know I kinda have the will to work also on ritual magik like the Ars Goetia... We'll see if I find resources in game to work with. Maxis gave me everything for this one with IL and DU, ritual magik may be a bit harder to work on.

Marcie Graham

This is really something. I am really impressed, thank you. I really wanted this.


Firstly you're mods are awesome, always have a few in my game. I cycle through mods depending on how I feel like playing but I always have a couple of your mods active. (Think it is a couple of the magic ones at the moment) Keep up the great work. Secondly, completely agree with you about the modern fantasy setting as well. It has become extremely kid friendly and rather dull. I blame Disney. And although I am could consider myself a slight "Harry Potter fan" it is more nostalgic than anything else. It was a massive thing whilst I was a child so it reminds me of that time. However as a large fantasy fan/nerd I feel a slight need to point out there are lots of decent ones out there if you know where to go looking. (Not for a second diminishing your own personal opinion, just wanting to share a personal passion. If you act on what I say and find something you also enjoy then yay! I've introduced someone to something new that they enjoy it. If not, fair enough. My personal likes are my own and if someone else doesn't like them it is not a big deal. If you don't want to go looking or do go looking and find you aren't a fan that's fine by me, not that it matters. I am aware my likes are my own and someone else's opinion will not diminish my own enjoyment. You do you, it's your life, live it however you please.) Fairytales have drastically changed in recent history. If you're into the darker side of fantasy I suggest if you're interested in the darker side of fantasy try looking up the older version of some of our classic "fairytales" the original tales were never meant for children and are VERY dark and twisted. Disney's to blame for the whole living happily ever after. The original tales often touch on very adult topics such as cannibalism, murder, torture revenge and rape. There is never a "and they all lived happily ever after" ending. Fairies themselves are not pleasant creatures in folklore, what with kidnapping and murderous, sadistic tricks being their go to move. Off the top of my head one example of a classic fairytale that is far darker than a lot of people know is Little Red Riding Hood. In one of the earlier versions of the tale her and the wolf sit down and have a nice meal, which coincidentally happens to be red riding hood's grandmother. The Grimm collection of fairytales is a good place to start if you ever felt like reading some of the darker versions of fairytales.


The Grimm original collection is basically my Bible! With "fairytales" I was refearing to the disney crap that got into everyone imaginary... fairies in folklore are cruel creatures that drink and bathe in blood (fairies are what remains of the ancient paganism in north Europe, it's a term that comprehend a lot of different kind of spirits) and actually, I find the witcher to have a very traditional fairytale approach, but it's not the kind of fairytale most people think about when you say that, so it's really a question of being understood. As I said, I like dark fantasy, like for example Magic The Gathering, and all the kind of fantasy based on realism. What I don't like is the kind of fantasy "harry potter


there was a comment by Yomi Oladunjoye here, I got the email, but can't see it in the post... I don't know if you deleted it, but know that I loved it.

Leeza Harrington

Oh also.... I was wondering if you could check out this age manipulator spell if you have a spare moment. I thought this was a cool concept for people to use for in game play without cheats but there's some problems with getting it to work... (I saw you looked into expanded mermaids before so I figured I'd ask) https://modthesims.info/d/637066/age-manipulator.html


I love this mod. I’ve been searching for mods like this one.. thank you


Hi, Zero. * Sorry, about my computer is behaving weird when it come to the spacebar. Here's my original comment about the traditional magic and others. Once again sorry about the long summary* I agree, Jon Mooney and Zero on both the classic/traditional based on the fabled lore, mystical peoples and monsters included the shapeshifts from mythology or Folklore with the old school magical elements (no limited) and the actual story from original both the Grimm Brothers and Hans C Andersen official stories and others no remove the adult contents from their ending and story arc. Since I have looked into the original Grimm Brothers stories since my college and my university years in the U.K in my free time. Speaking of the Grimm's Fairy Tale's some of their tales have to be removed (the second edition of Grimm's Fairy Tales Books) such as The Children Who Played Slaughtering due to being short and gruesome. Also, you can read in the Internet Archive but unfortunately, it's German only. Trust me, I understand the overhyped and exposed of Harry Potter's legacy and the spin-off which I have avoided from their bandwagon when I was growing up. My cousins have watched some parts of Harry Potter's film series more than myself when I was a young child in 2000s. Also, I have watched the final Harry Potter's film in my late teen. That's it. Despite, I'm from the country who started the Harry Potter's popularity from the books and films adaptation since the mid-1990s to early 2000s. And it doesn't convince me to join in since I have seen a lot of Harry Potter merchandises from clothes stores such as Primark (the U.K. version) and bookstores. Especially, the parody and pop cultures reference from other media based on them. As much I dislike the modern Disney's movies live-action on their understanding on "Dark Fantasy" in the characterizes, character development, motivate and narrative to trick the audiences to believe there's similar to the real-life social norms (realism) from their live version of Cinderella, OZ: Great and Powerful and Beauty and the Breast and Maleficent. Included their classic cartoon movies which are a misinterpretation of the message and the ending in their The Little Mermaid and Snow White. Hell, when I was a young child around 8 or 9 years old 9 (I think in 2001 or 2002) my parents brought this cartoon interactive PC game with the actual ending of the Little Mermaid which is dark but honest at least to the source materials from Anderson. And I don't know that Pocahontas is a real historical person until years later due to the Disney version of the person! *facepalm* Despite Disney's cotton candy version of the stories included the real-life historical persons like Pocahontas and Mulan (I never understand why Disney "think" that Mulan is a "princess" for their Disney Princess merchandise despite she isn't and we're getting live-action film based on her). I used to be a Disney lover of their films when I was a toddler to my childhood due to my habit of being an Animation films/TV junkie in the mid-1990s to early 2000s. Now I mostly avoid the Disney current ones included the sequel like Frozen 2 and looked into other animation films such as How to Train your Dragon, Iron Giant and Howl's Castles and Kiki's Delivery Services. I can go back to watched Treasure Plants, The Lion King (the original cartoon film) and Atlantis: The Lost Empire for the setting, interested villains and character developments. Until I heard about Jack Zipes's Breaking the Disney Spell and the discussion about Jack Zipes's work at my university meeting (the subject is about movies adaption) at the time. I'm OK with some people to have different views on the modern Disney films (Both live-action, 2D or 3D movies) when it comes to entertainment purposes and I'm NOT the type of person who holds too much nostalgia to the some Disney movies and other media and print media forms such as Television, Games, Comics and Movies both the past and currents. I'm more open-minded when it comes to experimenting and exploring like your mods which is fun and thrilling in the TS4 world included the supernatural. Despite, EA haven't 100% hit the supernatural with it come to other mystical creatures and monster such as werewolves and genies yet when it comes to the backstory and mystery from the preview Sims series. This is why I have looked into Marie De France's The Lais of Marie De France: Further Lais in the Original Old French (Mixed with Arthurian Lore/ lessen/ interested characters with old school magical elements) looked at Bisclavret and D' Aulnoy's works aren't children friendly and both entertainment when it comes to story and character's motive. Sorry for my extremely long rants segment on the Millennials (Generation Alpha) of modern Disney movies only. At least it helped me to search and look at other mythology and Folklore stories and movies from some international countries such as Russian Folktales, Italian Folktales (Penguin Modern classic) by Italio Calvino, Spanish Folktales, Germanic Mythology and Folklore, Marie De France, Marie Catherine D' Aulnoy, Other stories from Hans C Andersen and Brother Grimms, Jack Zipes's work included his book: The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grim: The Complete First edition (2014), Angela Carter's The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories (both the books and the 80s film version), Werewolves of Ossory and Curse of the Undead (1959 film mixed of Western - Horror lean to the European vampire folklore than hammer twist of Dracula) Yeelen (1987 film with a hero journey feature magic and precognition in the 13th century based on sources from the Bambara people) in my free time when it comes inspiration sources in medieval/supernatural/realism included alternative history with social norms from character's backstory, story's arc and magical sources to the classic one not the Harry Potter or any YA Academic with educational intuitions version.


So how exactly does one become a traditional witch?


Does this replace the whole ROM system of magick or adds on to it/adds something new to the game?


Ok, I need help. I'm not finding an option to turn my with into a Practical witch. downloaded XML Injector and Spellbook injector. Those seem to working. I don't have an option to cheat sim info. Tried taking out MC Command Center and Twisted Mexi's All Cheats in and out. Tried shift clicking on sim that's currently a master witch, and am not getting the cheat sim info option. Nothing seems to be working...Any ideas on what I'm missing?


Ok, so put back in MC Command Center and AllCheats from TM then making sure testingcheats was enabled, but still not seeing cheat for sim info when shift clicking on my sim. I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but not sure. Would any other mod possibly conflict with this option appearing?


You're not the only one who have this problem. You can use MCCC to add the trait instead of the cheat menú thought.


The mod doesn’t work for me, i gave my sim the trait through MCC and the only thing lets me do is offerings on the stone


Love your stuff, Now if there was someway to randomize the color magick of different sims so everyone has a different color of magick *GRINS BIG* (Hint hint)


Currently no. It's a VFX so it can't be done he same way as other mods, there is a tool to work on VFX but I have yet to look at how it works.


I can't wait to try this. I wish so bad ROM had went something like this!!! (ಥ﹏ಥ)


Hi, first i love this mod, it's amazing. I'm having troubles turning my spellcaster into a traditional witch. I can ask about traditional magic, than i get the power to summon the spirit but than when i click on the spirits i have no option to become a traditional witch. I have xml and everything works fine if i do the process with a human or a vampire


Mh... The option now should be there. Let me check if I maybe uploaded the wrong file. Could be a problem with the injector too.


I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but it seems I can get rid off the tense moodlet, as I'm ungrateful to spirits. I gave them, perfect harvestable, excellent food, blood... nothing satisfies them, and they won't teach me anything consequently. Any idea my dear ?