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You know what I hate? Greetings. I hated this feature since when it was first introduced before Get Together, and I'm now more than ready to tell it GOODBYE.

I'll be looking into a couple of reported issues and uploading a couple of translations I have sitting on my PC.



Could you clarify what you mean by “greeting” ? Stupid question i know


Oh excellent. Thanks!!


Oh man you are the master at eliminating annoyances 🤗

Lisa L.

I don't mind the greeting so much as the fact that it cancels out any interaction you queued up before it. So..I will be using the mod. :)


That's me, Lisa! I don't MIND when they greet each other. Fine. Go ahead. Greet. But not if I have give you a directive to follow.

Kellie Schiavone

You mean my Sims will now be able to eat their breakfasts in peace without greeting the person they share a house with?? FASCINATING. Downloaded. Thank you!


Thank you for this! Is there a no goodbyes mod by any chance? :D


Will the “ No Likes And Dislike Chance Cards” one prevent the ones for unplayed sims? I’ve seen people mentioning getting them for sims they’ve never played.


I don't think so... but it could. I just added the cooldown buff that prevents the card from appearing always on for every sim, so they'll be always in cooldown... but if the preferences are added on unplayed sims in another way then this will not stop them. You can bet that if I notice this happening in game I'll remove it too, anyway. Right now I don't have time to test the new patch further.


Thank you for all these updates. Am I right in assuming the 'misery must not die' script is no longer needed?