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I have fun writing Comics with the Sims 4 from time to time... you can find all my Comic Series here:

Sims 4 Comics by Zer0


Thanks to all the people who got interested into reading my Comics!!

I write them for fun, because I enjoy doing it, and I enjoy it more when i know other people enjoy reading them! I don't really care about having many readers, I'd rather have few affectionate ones, so if you've been reading my Comics for a while, know that I'm incredibly grateful about it!




Hello Zero, I love your comics! Would it be uncomfortable to ask how you create them? I've always been interested in creating stories like that, but I never know how to do it. Anyway, your comics are incredible.


Webtoons is a new thing for me, but it seems I am now hooked. Thank you :D


On a technical level or on a creative level? I mean... you want to know what software I use or how I set up the story?


I am so happy that I can read these comics without register for webtoon. Crossing and your new Comic by far my favourites. I am more a Fan of Vampire and Witchcraft. I only bought sims when vampires came along, not a fan of the normal life stages. Thanks again for your comic and take your time with crossing. If you don’t feel it, then don’t write it. I support you no matter who your focus it.


Me too! My DW series is very Vampire centric even though it takes from DW lore (where vampires are considered aliens) I didn't really even tried to play the game until they gave us occults. Still waiting for werewolves though


It would be lovely to play your comics in the game! You are awesome!


I have mods here and there based on my comics, I plan in making more. Thanks!


Oh cool!! I'm going to check this out when I get time! Love a good story!


Came for the mods, but I started reading crossing last night... Stayed up 2 hours later than I wanted to reading it (but I forgot most of it cuz I was sleepy, so I'm reading it again this morning and then moving on to your other series) 😊


I don't play much but this quarantine gave me a lot of free time, so I also came for the mods like Ariane Kinman above, but I'm hooked on her stories for almost a week now non stop! It's filling my days. I'm in love with all the characters. I don't even want to play anymore lol


Zero has changed my view of the game completely. I tried to make my game like hers but it's not the same. Not even close. Can't wait for her to upload the ones after #50. I was at #101 and I almost cried when it was removed lol.