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I've been asked by many people if it's possible to make custom careers work with University benefit system from having a degree.

The answer is: yes, it's possible. The issue is that everything is controlled by a single xml that cannot be partially overridden. This means that a mod like this needs to be done by you, because no one but you can know what custom careers you have installed, and if I add one, and another modder adds another, the two mods would conflict and not work.

The best way to go on about doing this would be having a script that injects the custom career into this main xml we need to modify, but as you know, I'm totally ignorant about scripts and don't even know if this is possible to do.

I've known about this tuning for a while now, because I actually removed all the benefits from my game (not a fan of career jumps), but I never tested adding to it, although I directed someone else into adding to it, and as far as I know, it worked.

Apart from the compatibility problems, this mod is ridiculously easy to do.

The tuning we need to add our custom career into is careers.career_tuning

I'm going to provide a package with the unedited tuning already exported.


It's pretty easy to read. Look at the things included between U and /U, you'll see a list of career_entitlements (career levels with their tuning ID) followed by a trait. This means that a Sim with that trait will have that specific bonus.

For example, in here it tells us that a Sim with the trait given by the Art History degree from the Science Uni will jump to Critic LV7, Painter Critic LV1 and Trendsetter LV1

As you may have figured out, we can add the ID of our custom career desired level into this. So let's use one of Midnitetech careers, open the package and look for the career levels:

Let's say I want my jump to be to Level 4 in this career from having an Art History degree, I need the Level 4 tuning ID

Copy it, and paste it into the other tuning between a <T>  </T>  tag

That's it. Done.


Sheila Lobert

Thank you so much! Would it be possible to just keep this file in the Overrides folder and add careers one at a time when desired? Also, will it mess anything up if we use the same level that you use in your required degree for promotion overrides? Lastly, if a modder does not neatly label their career levels, is there any way to tell which level is which?


Nope it shouldn't. And no, even if you keep it into the overrides, if you add another mod altering this xml into the mod folder, it just means that the one in the overrides will be the only one the game read... you need to manually put the levels you want into the file yourself, you can't have multiple files of this with different edits. The only way to avoid conflicts for this is via script... maybe some kind modder will take the hint.

Sheila Lobert

Sorry, I wasn't clear; I meant is it safe to keep it in the overrides (and it not mess up the careers in their respective folders) and add the tunings for the careers into this file in the overrides as I have time?


Oh... You can keep this where you want, unless another mod alters the same file, it has nothing to do with the single careers


Thanks for this! I'm a bit confused though, should I edit the package you provided and add it to my mods folder? I don't see the careers.career tuning in midnitetechs career package itself though. Oh and also, the file you provided has a lot of careers as career_Conservationist_EnvironmentalManager_Level2, why does it say level 2? By default the jumpstart is 7/8 right? Or is it because you changed it for personal use?b That's why I'm confused whether I should edit the provided package or not. Sorry I'm not too familiar with this


There is only one main career tuning... This one. And it mass control every career in game. The file is unedited, the career jumps depends also on the degree you have, you're probably looking at the one you get with a degree from the art university without honor for that specific career. Yes this is the file you need to add your careers into, keep an eye on the degree trait when you add the career (everything inside U /U is part of the same command) BS stands for science university and BA for art university.


hi, I did everything listed above &amp;&amp; I see where it says my sim will start at a higher career level but should there be a signing bonus if so I didn't see it, am I doing something wrong?