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I was asked on Instagram if it was possible to make spellcasters use the spell by default when repairing an object. I think this was asked before by other people too, so i went on and looked into it. Turns out, the repair interaction is actually a bunch of different interactions basing on the object, while the spell works in total different way.

While adding an interaction with the name "repair" that goes to the spell by default would be easy, editing all the default interactions for repair to make them disappear in case the spell is unlocked would make an easy mod like this one a nightmare to update and possibly causing conflicts with other mods.

So the alternative were:

1. Adding a repair with magic interaction that was out of the spell menù or

2. Just moving the spell out of the menù, since it's only available when an object is broken anyway.

I decided to go for the second option:

This way you don't have to go looking for the spell under the menù every time.

I'm not aware if a mod like this one already exist, because I'm not much looking into other modders work anymore, it's just easier for me to do what I need.



Would it also be possible for this mod to be for stuff like improving the quality of potions?


The spell (idk what its called in English) for cleaning would be great too :)