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I'll not give support if I suspect you didn't read the description, sorry...

This mod is huge and you need to know what it's going to add to the game and how it will work.


When Realm Of Magic came out, what I was hoping to have is Vampire Witches. I didn't get that.

Now, I'm aware you can cheat the witch occult trait on a vampire, but that trait is used by the CAS, and when you turn a vampire into a witch, you can't alter the dark form anymore. It also has problem with the UI because the two panel are not compatible.

In order to allow Vampires to use magic, what I did is leave alone the occults traits, and instead, take apart the whole pack to integrate Vampires into the existing system... this means that I redid every single spell and potion in game.

As far as the game is concerned, you Vampire will still be only a Vampire. Meaning that CAS will still think they're Vampires and you'll be able to alter the Dark Form.

But in gameplay, you will get a new option from the Sages in the magic Realm (and from every Mage with unlocked Rite of Ascension spell) when you play with a Vampire:


As you can see, Lilith, still a full Vampire, has the option to ask Morgyn how to use Magic. This enable her to complete the usual task to become a Spellcaster: find motes, turn them in, and be granted the gift of Magic.

Once done the quest, the option "Ask for Rite of Disclosure" will open up and the Vampire will be able to become a Vampire Witch!

This will open up two things:

Alchemy and the option to ask Sages to unlock Magic in the respective Schools. Magic can be unlocked also by practicing and by Duel for Knowledge. Unlocking a School of Magic will unlock all the spells, but they'll be usable only when the vampire will meet the required Vampire Rank.


Vampire magic relies on the night, they don't build charge, instead, having the persona power Nocturnal Affinity is going to make the magic stronger by night (gives the charged result), and they have a very hard time casting spells by day especially under the sun, even if they're immune to it. Nightbound vampires have an even harder time casting by day. Magic consumes Vampire Power and rises Vampires XP, even though not much. 

From this point on, though, you can do everything a Spellcaster can do, including Duels and Familiars:

Wands and Brooms also work.

They will still be fully Vampires though, so no conflicting changes to the UI.


I did a separate hidden skill for Vampires in order to learn alchemy. 

Experimenting with Cauldron will rise that skill and unlock potions. You can also ask the Sages to teach you potions. Once learned the recipes, you can craft potions the usual way.

INTEGRATION WITH VAMPIRE CAULDRON POTIONS if you have my other mod, you can also ask the Sages to teach you Vampire Potions. Only the Sages can teach you, this is the only way I can make it work.

NOTICE: these potions are cloned recipes, if you have a mod altering the ingredients of the potions, the changes will not be applied to my mod and you need to apply them manually... for this reason, all the new recipes are into a separate package. Feel free to alter and share the ingrdients as you wish.

Sage of Vampiric Magic 


SPELLBOOK: the panel UI to open it glitches out and my spells are not in the spell book anyway. Technically it works but it's useless with my system so I removed every reference to open it from the notifications.

TOMES: making Tomes work with my alchemy system would require duplicating them all. I may do a single custom Tome to learn Potions in the future. Adding Tomes to the marked seems to make it buggy though, so for now I will not.

You need all the packages inside one of the zips:

- MAXIS: Spells never kill

- UNTAMED MAGIC: like Untamed Magic is Untamed V2, spells kill if the charged result is given, for a vampire it means that they kill if you cast them at night with the persona power Nocturnal Affinity unlocked (Child of the Night and up, all the perks of that power) YOU NEED UNTAMED MAGIC IS UNTAMED FOR THIS.


Carmilla and NPCC



13/02 removed a conflict with the Spectres Replacement




I could kiss you.

Marco Cantillo

OMG THIS IS HUUUGE! It's awesome! Thank you sooo much! Now, I just want to clarify something I have SrslySims Minor Alchemy Overhaul, since it modifies the original recipes from the game, your mod will be compatible but won't modify the potions available for vampires because they're cloned, right?


Holy shit you are awesome. Like you I wanted Vampires to be able to work magic since vampirism itself is usually a supernatural/magical state of being so not being able to cast spells was a huge disappointment for me.



Marco Cantillo

Btw, you forgot to add the String Tables for other languages but English. hahaha This the translation for Spanish: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TW3f6qCMSYoCVFLgMdJ3Qfzg6e8v4XwE


I agree... They already have magical abilities, I don't see why they shouldn't be allowed to cast spells.... I mean if manipulating emotions or alluring aura is not magic ... I think I'll make them able to teach those spells to mages, too, in the future.


Hi, great mod, thanks! I made a translation into Russian. https://simfileshare.net/folder/94534/


Thanks. I'm just working on uploading translations and putting some order into this mess, so I'll add it right away


So, the Ask How to Use Magic interaction is not showing up for my vampire Sim. But it's not this mod that's the problem, it seems to be that the XML Injector is not working. (Test file installed and doesn't show up on computer). Does anyone know how I can determine why it's not working?


There are two more interactions, one on the phone and one on the sim... see if they show before thinking about the injector... the interactions on the pc have been gone since DU (the package needs updating)

Evangelina Silvercloud

Sooo great. Thank you very much for all your work to make this possible. Warmest regards from Austria


This is absolutely incredible, I've been looking for a mod like this since realm of magic was released! Genuinely, genuinely, you and your mods are the best <3<3<3


By the way I noticed in this mod I noticed that my cat when I bound him as a familiar he doesn't have a sparkle around him for some reason??


Familiars were the easiest thing to do... I literally didn't have to touch them, just add the interaction to my buff. Everything about them is left at maxis... So I don't know.

Christina Jackson-Smith

Thank you for this. I wanted to know will you in the future incorporate it so hybrid offspring will have it automatically? I ask because my witch had children with Vlad and made 3 beautiful children. but they all came out as vampires with strong witch bloodlines. They can't use magic being vampires. I will have to manually give this to them now which is great, but is it even possible to have it auto assigned at birth. Thank you.


The short answer is no... maybe I can see if it can be done with a lot trait but the passing of the traits is controlled by the cas tuning... I didn't know vampires could born with the bloodlines trait for witches though, and integrating that is something I surely can do... they'll be vampires witches automatically only if they get the bloodlines trait though.


Okay so basically, I started reading this post and like 2 paragraphs in, went to become a patreon, THEN came and finished reading. I am so excited to play!! I haven't played since I first downloaded realm of magic because not being able to have vampire witches just broke my heart...well I'm back babey! Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu so much omg


Hi, I updated the Russian translation. http://simfileshare.net/folder/94534/ I'm embarrassed to ask, could you create the character traits of a fairy and a werewolf? Thanks!


Nope... But I can't wait to get my hands on fairies when/if maxis adds them... Only if they'll not then I'll consider including them myself. I'm not a huge fan of mods that add lifestates to the game


Thank you for your mods. This was a wonderful idea. You weren't alone in wanting more out of the vamps.


May I ask what your Lilith is wearing? I love her jacket!


An accessory jacket from CURBS, I don't remember in what collection in was but I'm pretty sure you can find it on dwp


Is your update of Vampire,witches language?


Nope... I was jus very upset when I posted the update so I didn't notice it... The update description is on the main page. I added another spell but I cried blood in order to make it work.


I updated the Russian translation. http://simfileshare.net/folder/94534/


Thanks... waiting for another one to come in and then I'm going to add all of them.


so dumb question not sure if anyone has asked yet but what if u are a spellcaster first? does it have do be vamp turned to a spellcaster?


You need to be a vampire. If your Sim is a Spellcaster then you need to turn him human and then into a vampire first. The trait cannot be given to a Spellcaster, I put it in conflict. It will never be given to a Spellcaster.


First of all I love this mod, it's everything I wanted from ROM and Vampires so thank you for investing your time into it and making all of our lives better. Besides your mod I'm also using r3ms spellbook injector and with that the forbidden spells mod from kuttoe, those unlock the duel for knowledge option until the sim learns all forbidden spells. Turns out it unlocks them for vamps too (my vamp spellcaster unlocked all standard ea spells before the duel). My sim learned a spell and with the notification I got access to her spellbook. While I don't care that the mods are not compatible with hiding the spellbook I noticed that the vampire potion I tried to unlock for her through 'Ask to teach vampire potion' is in there too but if I check a cauldron she doesn't know it. So it seems the vampire potions get added to the normal but for vampire sims not accessible book, is there any way around this? If not don't bother, it's such a minor detail and totally my fault for mixing mods and doesn't really take anything away since she can always use the bar or ask actual spellcasters. And again thanks for all you work.


They're not supposed to learn spells that go in the book and this may actually cause problems, as I'm not sure if using them is going to give the vampire the witches XP that they're not supposed to have. The spells I made for this mod, and the potions, are all cloned from the original ones so they never should be in the book, because if they are, you unlocked the maxis one... You may also end up having duplicate spells in the pie menú (2 versions of inferniate for example). To answer your question, there is no way around it, they're not supposed to go on the book because I didn't place them in it at all (custom potions are not handled by the spellbook injector) if they are, you unlocked the witches one, and you don't know it on the cauldron because the interaction of the cauldron is cloned too, and only compatible with the vampire version of the potions


Oh that's weird too... How did he get the trait?!


i noticed that my normal sim spellcaster could use the rite of disclosure spell on him and gave him magic, he doesn't have the trait. He also can't actually teach it. It only shows the option greyed out when then cooldown is running. But he can duel and that's quite fun :)


No, Carmilla is the still the sage. I tried asking Carmilla to teach my normal sim vampire magic while grim was on lot and I had a message in the corner where grim declined with the I don't teach everyone spiel. (My Sim is friends with Carmilla and Grim and has learned one of the vampire spells from Carmilla before. After grim was gone she just teached me.)


Well I'll look at the filter anyway, this is really weird.


I'm so confused. Tried everything. Can't get this to work. I really wanted to try this mod.


Is there a place where you take requests?


how do i check my spell learning progress? (i used the cheat sim info mod to make my vampire into an actual full mage, but the UI was weird. then i saw this mod xD i understand i'll have to learn every spell all over again though, so then how do i check that new progress?)


Ask the Sage to unlock the school of magic. Spells unlock as you rank up as a vampire.

Julia Samantha

Finally i can live out my heretic dreams! #TVD

Julia Samantha

Okay, so its installed, Carmilla is in the magic realm, but i cant ask the sages how to do magic, the option isn't there. what am I doing wrong?


hello Zero and thank you for all of your amazing mods! I have a small inquiry, is it intended that teens are unable to become vampire witches? My teenage sim's parents are a vampire and a caster (she was born before I installed this mod) and upon reaching teenager had the UI bug when a sim has both the vampire and caster traits. I removed the caster trait (did not add it back) and went to the magic realm - however there is no option for her to learn magic from any of the sages. I brought her vampire mother (Young Adult) to the realm and she had the option to learn magic. It's no issue at all if this is intended, I'm just curious!


That's probably the former witch trait... That's weird that she got both traits and has nothing to do with this mod. When you remove the witch trait they get another that is "former witch" trait... See if she maybe got it. One way around it would be use the debug option I left in, to access it you need to have the dubug cheats enabled in MCCC, testingcheats on and shift click on the sim, there is the option to turn the vampire into a vampire witch under Spellcaster cheats.


I'm having trouble. I have a vampire sim and I sent him to the realm of magic. I talked to the sages and I do not see the option to ask how to use magic.


First thing, check that the injector is working. There are test interactions on the sim, phone, mailbox and pc


hi, I've translated it to simplified Chinese. I love it! :)https://www.mediafire.com/file/xkld4ybb5obsetx/trans_stbl_file.zip/file


Sorry, But this mod is not working for me. I have the latest XML Injector version 3 and the test file also indicates that it is working properly (the XML Injector option shows on Hosehold mail box and at other places ). But, "Ask how to use magic "option does n ot appear in the friendly interactions for vampires while interacting with a sage. Please help ?


Can't say why... As a first thing, test the mod alone with just the injector then we'll see how to proceed.


Yes, I did. And it is also of the latest version I suppose ( version 3).


Ok so I have the LMS potions overrides that make it so there is no bugs needed and more items needed for making potions IF this changes all the potions flies I take it I can not use that and this in the same game right?


I finally got the mod to work. Had to delete the entire game and re install it. In the process, I also lost my saved game. But, the mod more than just deserves it. The mod is pretty cool and I am really enjoying playing as a vampire now. Thank you very much for this wonderful mod and hope you will make mods like these in the future ( can you make a mod where a sim can play as all occult characters combined at the same time. Kudos to your hard work 😀👍

Danna McPheron

Hi, Zero. I came across a very interesting mod I think will fix the problem with the Vampire-Spellcaster hybrids' UI issues. Take a look at Iced Cream's Buy Vampire Perks And Weaknesses - For Hybrids Mod available here: http://modthesims.info/d/640535/buy-vampire-perks-and-weakness-for-hybrids.html The creator created two options under the Vampire pie menu for the players to choose the perks and weaknesses if they can afford them. This mod appears to bypass the Vampire perks UI. Hopefully this will let us have both worlds - your mods and Iced Cream's mod.


Looks great, downloading right now. Could you tell me if this is affected in any way by the bloodlines traits from spellcasters ? Thank you for your contribution !


I translated a few mods of yours into german, should i upload the string or how does it work? :D


sent them via email, the address is on my profile. I got other translations to upload and I'll do it all at once when I have enough.


nope, it doesn't. but vampire born from a vampire and a witch have the chance to be vampire witches by default on aging up to teen.


that could be a solution, but it would require to rework all this mod from scratch probably. I'll look into the perks system anyway, i surely can add something like this on top of the existing system (I don't want to make vampire too overpowered though)


Hola, funciona despues de la actualización de ayer? Gracias


Hi Zero, thanks for that great Mod Idea. Currently I have a little Problem. I can not learn the last 2 spells. When I try to duel for knowledge, It is telling me, that they can not teach me any new magic.


Hey amazing mod thank you! Just wondering if you post the sims u have in these pictures in your gallery or have a link for the cc somewhere? They look amazing!


Carmilla is on the gallery, the other one is Lilith, the CC used are all from CURBS and Mandy


Mh... I'll look into it, there are a couple of things I updated already in this mod so it's due to be updated soon anyway


so if i have a sim whos already an adept spellcaster and i use this mod to make her a vampire will she lose all her spell progress?


Yes, just like if you remove the spellcaster trait. The spell system of this mod is completely different.

Lisa L.

So, I started the 100 Baby Challenge again using my ancient bloodline spellcaster as the matriarch. Any vampire children she has had so far with vampires automatically become vampire-spellcasters when they become teenagers. They have the vampire-spellcaster trait and the glimmerstone appears in their inventory. Did you add this to the mod, or is it a happy unexpected accident? I was going to have the vampire kids become vamp-spellcasters on their own, but was thrilled when it happened automatically.


Hi Zero, as an alternative for this mod, would it be possible for a spell to be created that normal spellcasters can learn that allows them to run like a vampire?


No. The vampires routing cannot be extended to anyone else, they're teleport method, tied to the buck perks and vampire energy.


So I noticed you made some big changes regarding the magic lately and I might not have the latest version of the mod installd but is it possible for vampires to complete the two spellcaster aspirations? So far ive not been able to do it. Maybe Ive missed it but is it possible or no?


Nope. The interactions I use are all made from scratch... maxis aspirations track the vanilla interactions so mine don't count. This would need 2 custom aspirations to work, but honestly is too much work for too few gain.


Do Vampire Witches and Vampire Traditional Witches have way to level their spellcasting? Asking because the odds of a backlash from higher level spells are daunting if we are locked in as newbie spellcasters. I noticed this due to trying to cast dedeathify (opps on that drink deeply death Tina! give me a few to fix that..hopefully) and having it repeatedly backlash on me.


There are some Vampire perks like the occult student and child of the night that give bonuses for spellcasting pretty much like the witch perks. In general, Vampires magic relies on the night/day cycle so casting by night will always have better results


The French translation is appalling. Is there any way to get the mod just in English? I prefer to learn to read English because it doesn't really mean anything... What is the relation between "Vampire Spellcaster" and "Vampi_Magie"?


I don't know french very well so I can't say... To get it in english you need to change the language of the game to english. Or you can open the mod and copy the english strings to all languages if you know a bit about sims 4 studio.

Aleshia Davis

This is so cool...I automatically thought that vampires should be able to be apart of the magic realm like this so thanks for all the work you put in to make this happen. As always you do great work!


My vampires can not use the cauldron to experiment and learn potions. If a sage teaches them a potion an error occurs when they try to make it and they just stop brewing it. Do you have any idea what might be causing this?


It was a patch along the way. My interaction was cloned so I thought it wasn't affected by the same problem (it happens with maxis interaction too, that cannot resume a potion, it calls an error and a reset). I'll look into fixing it.

Cliff Douglas

I have the same issue as Rebecca. It's the new patch. Also sages no longer offer potion recipes.


did the issue appear after the patch? (the cauldron one) maxis messed around with the crafting interactions lately, I'm having problems with brewing herbalism potions too. Also, I just tested the potion recipes issue, that's probably related to the injector OR I noticed sims losing some traits they had (hidden ones) after the patch... try updating the injector, if it doesn't work, try removing the vampire witch status and adding it again.


Unfortunately I wasn't able to get the mod working. Went with my vampire sim to the Realm of Magic, introduced to the Sages but hadn't the option for the Rite. I have a bunch of your RoM and Vampire mods, but I don't know if something is conflicting there. Even switched Sims from my native German to English but that didn't helped too :/


If the option is not there, the first thing you have to check is if the xml injector is working


Ive been having problems with cauldrons (regardless of species) even if only cooking food. If anyone starts brewing or cooking something, gets distracted or stops , then comes back to try to restart it, it throws an LE error. And the vampire spellcasters cant brew anything. Experiment yes, brew no. Have the most up to date copy. Problem goes away if this mod is removed, comes back when its back in. Any ideas?


Also it will deduct 18 Simoleans (when cooking food) and over the course of cooking will add back 17 money every (real) minute, but the money wont actually deposit into funds. Looking at the LE error texts saying something about no such household funds. ( File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\scheduling.py", line 212, in simulate File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\elements.py", line 335, in _run File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\crafting\crafting_interactions.py", line 2673, in transfer_crafting_component File "T:\InGame\Gameplay\Scripts\Server\crafting\crafting_process.py", line 623, in check_is_affordable AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'family_funds' Cause: Exception in Sim Timeline: Exception running Element)


What's the difference between the two sage files? (walkbyandsage vs walkbyandsage_nogeneration) Just so I know which one I'd prefer to have in my game. I've read the description and also Carmilla's FAQ but I couldn't find a mention of it. I added her to my game and she is now the vampire sage but I'm just unsure about what the two files I mentioned do.


Use the no generation one if you get her from the gallery. It's to avoid duplicates because in the case the game decides to remove her role for some reason, she'll be always generated exactly the same.


Is me having Carmilla's tray files installed, AND, the walkbyandsage file installed the reason Carmilla doesn't show up in my game? Do I not put her tray files in if using the walkbyandsage file? Should I be using the nogeneration version if tray files are installed?


Do you think it could be possible for a vampire and a witch to give birth to a vampire witch?


Ok I shall do that tonight. I added weak bloodline for first gen and string for second they both get it. I’ll also test with your carmilla nyX in my game with a few duels and see if she gets charge as I haven’t added anything to her


Ok I tested with carmilla and she gets it too, I took photos of the traits, I also tested with only your mods for spellcasters and vampires and it’s still gaining charge moodlets for them and just killed my sims with overcharge lol (I didn’t save it’s fine) I took a photo of just the mods I have installed from the vampire witches mod where can I send them?