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This tutorial is going to be more advanced. I'll soon make a master post to collect them all in order.

As this is a follow up of the basic tutorial, I'll not be covering the process of making a buff, a loot, a social interaction, required to make this mod. I also will not be covering the process of investigating how something happen in game, all things we already saw. We'll be looking though, at some things a buff can do a bit better. 

Because, you know, they don't only give your Sim an emotion...

Buffs can do a lot of things, like... control autonomy:

If you search autonomy, you'll have a long list of hidden buffs that are used in game to control what a Sim can, and will do.

I imported a bunch of them into an empty package to give them a look:

The first thing we're going to see in all of them is that they don't have an mood and weight, they don't give an emotion, and all of them will have the visibility off:

Most of them will have a commodity associated to control the Sim autonomy. Some of them will have autonomy modifiers:

This is a variant that can take many values. In the buff above is a relationship score multiplier with other sims that have the same buff, they will want to talk with them more.

This other one is a bit more complicated, it has as a first thing the statistic for the bladder locked. Sims with this buff will have an off lot autonomy and only care for the commodities listed: they will paint, and look at murals. And they will not want to socialize. They will also not use the phone or sing while this buff is active (the tags at the beginning totally remove the ability of doing such things from them)

and this is the option I'll try to use to make my dick roommate stop to play the violin. This is an affordance filter, the one above says that a Sim with this buff cannot do anything else apart from leaving, standing there and use the umbrella.

I want my roommate to be able to do all he wants apart from playing the damn thing, so my buff has this option tuned a bit different:

This says: you can do all you want, apart from the list of stuff I'm going to put in here.

Now roommates are controlled by hidden traits:

with, try to guess... hidden buffs associated, that modify their autonomy:

and i imported the buff and the trait in my mod:

Now, I'll need only the tuningID of the trait, and I'll need to look at how the buff modify the autonomy:

So, this buff gives the Sim a commodity to control the autonomy...

It also modify his desire to do two things: play music and listen to music

and gives him two special interactions, the ones he run when he plays the violin (or the guitar, I'd like that way more!)

So I want to report the interaction_score_modifier in my buff, and to know where I need to put it, I'll look at the TDESC

It goes inside the Tuple autonomy_modifiers

And I'll set the score to 0

Then I'll put the two interactions he runs in my filter:

I think I'm going to remove the listen to stereo tag later, I don't mind that so much...

Anyway, since I want him to stop playing the bloody violin as soon as he gets the buff, I'm leaving the super_affordance_suppress_on_add on true.

I then add a duration to this buff of 2880 minutes (too much? We'll see)

Then I'll make my loot to add this buff to my TargetSim...

and move on making the interaction... but... the interaction we made last time was kinda boring, wasn't it? I think this time, we'll be dealing with:

test_based outcomes, potentials and fallback.


Marco Cantillo

Thanks a lot for this! When I discovered this kind if buffs a long time ago, i knew they could work miracles on Sims autonomy. Now, I have a question. Can I change the name for this buffs? I created a mod that actually make Sims socialize more on some community lots, but thanks to this, I also made Stall vendors more interested on socializing than tending their stall. I found they had the "SocialLess" autonomy buff, but I wanted to change the autonomy modifier to 0 in order to make them stop trying to socialize. With your first tutorial, I could clone it and I think I was succesful because I edited the Role State Tuning "marketStalls_Vendor_Magic_HiredNPC" by erasing the part that gave Sims the original EA's tuning files and overwrote with my personal buffs and now they still get the "SocialLess" buff, which means that my clone is working because, otherwise, they wouldn't get the correct buffs. But on that name is where my problem comes. Since the original XML file doesn't have a "buff_name" part, how can a change the name of that buff to know that mine is actually working? I've tried by just manually adding a "buff_name" part on the XML code but it dind't seem to work.


the name the hidden buff displays is the name of the tuning n="buff_name".