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This was requested on Tumblr.

Now, before we start, doing this is not hard, but requires to make some changes to tuning files. You can also just open up my mod and copy the things you need from there. I'm going to include a package you can use to export the already made objective I used in my mod as a base that has ALL the degree traits in it, and all the lines you need.

This is my mod:

As you can see if you open it up, it only modifies Aspirations and add objectives.

I'm going to report the same into Midnitetech custom career, and I only need to modify one Simdata file and one tuning file for the career level where I want to put the requirement:

Sort the files for instance to better find both.

Now we're dealing with a mod made with a tool, so it's not formatted the way we're used too:

I'm going to format it the way I'm used to:

It's also not commented but we don't really care. this aspiration calls two game objectives, we'll need to add one. You can import mine or search for one that is similar to what we're going to do, add a trait check:

You need to search for an objective tuning.

It will import a SimData file and a tuning file:

We're going to start by doing the usual stuff, change the name, hash it to a FNV 64 Instance id and change it in the Data tab, change the group to 80000000:

Move on another file and back to let S4S give us the corresponding tuning ID and put it where it belongs in the tuning file:

You need to take this step also if you import my objective.

Now, we need to change the traits this objective asks for from geek to the ones from University:

If you use my objective, you only need to remove the ones you don't need (BA stands for the Art Uni and BS for the Science Uni)

Then we need to add some lines you can copy and paste from my file:

Add the display name that will show in the advancement panel...

and these three lines, one is the tooltip it will show when hovering with the mouse, the other two are options that are disabled by default, but Maxis set as disabled just the same in other objectives with the same purpose so probably should be forced to be this way in any case (I'm not sure about it though).

Change the comments to what you like and generate the hash key to add to the string tables for them.

Then we move into the data file, where we need to put:

The key for the name and the tooltip:

don't forget to change the name:

And the Instance id in the data tab (the same instance of the tuning file):

then we need to move on the aspiration tuning, this also has a SimData file associated:

in the tuning, we need to add the id for our objective in addition to the ones already there:

and we need to do the same also in the SimData file:

as a last thing, we need to add the strings to the String tables:

NOTE: all of this COULD and SHOULD work also if instead of adding the objective into the career package, you just edit my objective in its own package and then add only the id for it in the aspiration, but I have not tested it. Obviously, if the career gets an update you'll need to do this again.


Artur Berger

Hello, first of all thank you for all your tutorials and mods. I really love them all. You're such an amazing creator. I wanted to know if there is a way to start a career at like level 4/5 if you have the assigned degree ? (like for ea careers)


I'm a little confused. I only want to add a career, not objectives and traits. Should I skip those parts?

Sheila Lobert

I feel like I may be missing something obvious here, but if they are not labeled like they are in your example, how do I know which aspiration file goes with which level? I've looked for every number match I can find, and I can't figure out how to identify the levels. Also, when it says "search for an objective tuning," where am I searching?


I'm sorry if this has already been explained but how do you open a edit an existing mod? I have a custom career from Kiarasims that i just want to change the price to? Is this sim4studio?


yup, open it with sims 4 studio and look for the career levels... there is a pay for hour entry you need to edit, both in the tuning and in the associated SimData file (they have the same name)... I'll post you a couple of screens on how to do it


how do i generate a hash key, I'm stuck here at this step