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Alright, I'm not going to judge the roommate... anyway...

I completed playing, actually playing, with the mod in, a full term of 21 days on speed 45, and found no relevant problems. 

A HUGE thank you to all the people that helped figuring out how all the intricate system works, this would have take a lot longer without said help.

The version 2 of this mod also changes the length of time you'll be suspended from University to the same duration of the term.

You only need one file in your folder.

Now, this same mod allows also to rise the credit requirements for graduating, I'll not be making a version for it with increased credits requirements, since it would take making too many variables and would be too taxing to update, and really only needs to change ONE number in the tuning... here is how to increase the credit requirement to your liking:

Open the mod in S4Studio, you need to edit the two files selected below:

In the sims.university.degree_tracker tuning search for Credits Required:

Change the number to your liking. In the corresponding SimData file there is the same value to change:

Put the same number you put in the tuning file, in here too.

Save the mod, done.


It was reported that this mod causes the terms to always end in A+. I verified it myself and looked at the files, but I don't seem to be able to find the cause or the way to prevent it. It's probably just because the terms are longer. Luckily, MCCC has the setting for how hard you want the university to be. And they work with the mod. After you set the rate on the PC, though, remember to flag your sim for university rate change from the MCCC menu on the sim itself or the setting will not apply.


10/01 - Reduced the classes necessary for the final exam to happen by one in the 2 weeks version of the mod. The final exam was still not happening in my game, this change may or may not give you an additional lesson after the exam depending on when the term started, this is the only way to ensure the exam takes place. Let me know if I need to apply the same change to the other versions, too.



Can this mod be installed if you are currently a student? Or do you have to install it BEFORE applying to university altogether?


You can install it if already a student, although I'd wait to do it until the end of the term before enrolling in a new one (mid term, sometimes doesn't add days, sometimes it reset the term from the beginning with the new length, and once it blocked the days count entirely for me, even though right now it seems the most of the times it just doesn't make the current term longer, it start applying the changes from the next one in any case)


When I downloaded the mod and tried to go to the Sims 4 Studio and clicked on the my cc tab it wasn't showing up with all of the cc/mods. So then I tried to open it from the file explorer, but there is no Sims 4 Studio program (??) to do it with so I clicked on the one used to install the Sims 4 Stuido... Now whenever I delete the mod and try to download it, it has a Sims 4 Studio logo...


That's pretty much what windows does when you set a program to be the default one to open a kind of file (that's what you did, you told windows that S4STUDIO is the program to open package files)


Right, but it was for the Sims 4 Studio installation. I couldn’t find the actual program itself.


I never use the my CC function of sims 4 Studio, but if I get what you're telling me, you double clicked the file, windows brought up a pop up asking you "how do I open this file?" You clicked in sims 4 Studio, is that correct?


I sort of did, but I couldn’t find the Sims 4 Studio program. Only the installation file so I used that program, but it wants to reinstall the studio. I already have it installed.


It should only had installed it on top if the one you already had. Windows probably didn't suggest it, so it told you to search online. To find it you need to search in the installation folder, in any case, you did nothing terrible. The mod shows S4S logo because now windows knows how to open it. All your package files should now have the S4STUDIO icon.


is it required that we open sims4studio and edit the files or can we just download it and plop it into our game the way it is?


Hey, i installed it mid-term and it seems like any time I swp how my sim is interacting in class "paying attention to the teacher, taking notes, etc." it gives me an error. is this due to installing it mid-semester or just the mod's thing it does in general. I also have kawaiistacie's better schools, idk if that's causing a conflict.


you mean an LE? I don't know the better schools mod, I don't use it... when I tried it ages ago University was not out yet. I think it modified the functions in the work tones but I'm not sure if now it does the same with uni ones.... if that's the case, then it's most likely a conflict.


how do i get to the tuning part in s4s


double click the file to open it, in the left part of the window you have the list of files, in the right part there is the tuning for the selected file, works like a text editor.


how do you edit the credits if you don't have this mod ?


Hi! Is this version an update of the previous version? Should I replace the first version with this? Do I need to wait for my sim to finish their current term before I take that out and put this in? Love your mods!


Same way. Download the mod so you can see the xml I modified. The one you need to alter are the degree trackers. Import the xml in a new empty package and change the values, then save the package.


It's the same as the very last update I posted. If you're unsure wait the and of term, it's better... It's a bit unpredictable otherwise.


Sorry this is really stupid but I've never altered any mods I've downloaded before.......how do I open the file in s4s? I have a macbook, and have s4s open but I can't figure out how to open the mod.


Ohh nevermind it's just opening it from file haha, I was overcomplicating it for myself!


I know this isn't necessarily the place I should be commenting but does anyone know how or if it's possible to change the names of the university classes. For instance Thinky Roots: Psychology I, I've been trying to change to PSY 100: Introduction to Psychology. I have been fiddling with some files in S4S for days and have yet to successfully integrate names I've changed into the game. Thanks for any help.


apologies if you've already answered this somewhere, but is there a way to make this into a 14 day term? i just want term length to be the length i've set my seasons to. thanks for the tutorials and the mods! (or if i managed to miss that version somewhere please let me know)


choose the 2 weeks option. there is an option for each season length including LMS mod.


Hi Zero, I've been trying to make a mod to increase the number of credits sims can take in a single term. I've added in course slots E and F and all the related tuning for those (loots, books, career assignments, professors + socials, course blocks, etc etc) but I can't figure out how to actually increase the number of credits you can select in the drop down menu when enrolling. any ideas you could suggest?


probably in the same degree tracker tuning... you may need to look at the tdesc to see if you need to add some tuning that's not there.


In the term presentation lifetime commodity sim data file, there's a bit where you've got T name="value"12959 T but in the tuning file you've replaced the 12959 with 43199. should it be changed in the sim data file as well?

Nicolas Lavigne

Could you create a shorter terms please?


I was wondering how I could tune the mod to do a normal 7 day term, but make the credit requirement increase? I like the crunch time for 7 days, but I would prefer doing more credits. If possible! Thank you in advance!


I can't for the life of me figure out why I keep getting last exceptions with this mod - I've tried the 4-week and 3-week options, both in the v2 version of the mod, and I keep on getting a last exception that mentions the degree tracker, and an attribute error ('NoneType' object has no attribute '_name_'). Ignoring the last exceptions, the mod seems to be functioning correctly, as far as I can tell? I completed a 3-week term, but I was getting LE notifications at least once per 24 in-game hours. Happy to provide the LE file if needed - I checked with MCCC's support channel and tested with and without other mods, but I'm still stuck. Hopefully you can help me figure out what might be going on!


Hi, I tried editing the number of credits required like to showed but when I try to enter the household I played with the game prevents me from entering it, sending me an error message. I also tried quitting uni and trying again, but it still sends me the message... I was hoping maybe you could help me figure this out


Double check the sim data file. Check that you have changed the number in there too, check that the file didn't get corrupted and check you didn't accidentally mess up the formatting.


check it just the same, sometimes S4Studio corrupted the data files for me apparently for no reason.


After I changed the values in both files I tried opening the file again to see if its been corrupted and this is what I saw- https://i.ibb.co/PjCrXKq/Screen-Shot-2020-03-01-at-17-09-05.png It changed the sims.university.degree into hexadecimal value 0X19 is an invalid character. Do you know how to fix it?


Hi, is there a way to edit this mod to make university last forever, either via infinitely terms, or infinite credits? I want this for RP purposes. Thanks!


I guess you can put a very high number of required credits and see how it goes. It will never last forever, because infinite is not a value the tuning would take, but it surely will last longer. Or you can set a very high number for the length of terms, same applies though.


Do i download the version or just the second one


"The version 2 of this mod also changes the length of time you'll be suspended from University to the same duration of the term. You only need one file in your folder." So aparently you just need to pick which one you prefer. You don't need both versions installed.


Do you know what we should set the MC Command Center University Difficulty level to make university hard again? Longer terms makes everyone get an A


I didn't mess around with that setting in MCCC ever... but I'm curious of why the mod is doing this (someone told me in game right now the progresses are not even accounted properly due to a bug)

Tiffany Edmonds

Quick question, I had the previous version of the LD mod which worked fine, but in this version (downloaded the 4 week term), the term days don't change, I also changed the credit requirements to 48 in S4s. Should I try a shorter term length?


48 is too much, you can't achieve that (it will make you take the first class at the end over and over again once you took all electives, there aren't enough classes to get to 48). Did you change version mid term or while enrolled?


How can I edit a term to be 9 weeks? Is it possible? Also would I have to change the credits if I make a term longer? Is there a video I cal follow?


I know this might be a no but is there a way you can edit it to 9 weeks IF ITS POSSIBLE please because I have no idea how to edit


I warn you that it has the potential of causing minor issues with exams (they could happen twice, it doesn't affect the ability to complete the course nor the grade) and with grades (university will be a lot easier with an A+ as result always, this happens in any case if terms are made to last longer, and the difficulty can be adjusted with mccc but since I messed with it extensively I can assure that no setting is going to help with 9 weeks terms)


Yea I don’t care about it being really easy lol cause I honestly cheat in university lol


Is it me or did I miss a resource in this mod? I was editing the credits required to graduate in the sims.university.degree_tracker tuning file. I started looking for the second file, a simdata file called: sims.university.degree_tracker.DegreeTracker. I could not find it. Perhaps this one was left out of the mod by accident? Thanks, Zero, for everything you do to make our gaming much more fun despite what the 'net out there throws at you. You are an awesome modder. Don't let them put you down for what you do with passion and conviction in your beliefs.


I have no idea what the net is throwing at me. Yes there is a data file associated with the XML but it's not needed unless you change the credits required (i tested it and i suggest not doing it)


Is it possible for you to make shorter terms? Like require less credits to graduate? When I play normal life span I feel like the time my sims graduates uni they’re basically a full grown adult which isn’t very realistic