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This tutorial was requested. So here is how to set the values to your liking. It's a bit more complicated than other tutorials I made, but not so much. Let's start from the very beginning. The first thing we see is a base value of 5:

This is the value that will get multiplied to give the final score for the acceptance.

Right after, we start with the multiplier for high school traits:

In here, rising the multiplier value will make so that a certain high school result will give out an higher or lower boost, ex:

Setting this value from 2 to 3 will rise the chance for an high school A student to get into this specific Major.

On the next part, we have the multiplier given for skills in a certain range:

In this case, we get a multiplier of 2 for having the charisma skill between 2 and 3. There are two things you can do in this part, you can rise or lower the multiplier value, or the upper bound and lower bound of skills (I found it easier to just act on the multiplier), there are various of this in the tuning but you can get an idea by simply looking at it.

Scrolling down even more we can find other things that can affect the base value:

here for example, we have the multiplier give for having the buffs resulting from a successful donation for this Major, for connections, and for fame

The requirements change but the concept is the same, by tuning the multiplier you can make that specific setting weight less or more.

Scrolling down even more you get more skills that can affect the base value:

so here we have Archaeology, photography and local culture giving a multiplier of 2 if above level 3. 

That's all you need to tune to make the mod as you like, for every Major, though. 

You can make pretty interesting things, like making it so that High School A really affects getting into Biology but doesn't affect much getting into Fine Arts.

I'm including the Blank mod with all the values set to default. have fun and feel free to share your results!




thanks for you're awesome mods


hi i was wondering if you had any other modding tutorials posted?


is there anyway i can private message you!


I have private messages active, but have no idea how you send a private message on Patreon... you can reach me on tumblr though https://forgottenhollow-secretgarden.tumblr.com/