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I was playing my main save, and Caleb got promoted to Sous Chef... he also was so very happy about it, and it pissed me off, the same way it pissed me off that he could not tell the family I gave to him and Lilith that he was turned into a vampire by Miss Hell, that he couldn't tell anyone about it... so I told him to wait, turned off my game and fixed it.

Three new interactions (for now):

- Share news on your promotion.

- Share news on your engagement.

- Share news on your relationship (got a boyfriend/girlfriend)

- Talk about the camping trip (only after camping)

- Complain about missing home (only during camping)

- Complain about workload (only stressed from work)

- Complain about stale surroundings (only materialistic/stale surrounding buff)

- Obsess about new purchasings (only materialistic/love new things buff)

- Complain about lack of exercise (only active/not enough exercise buff)

- Talk about workout session (only active/good workout buff)

- Complain about lack of videogames (only geek/need gaming buff)

- Complain about lack of promotion (only ambitious/promotion anxiety buff)

- Brag about Masterpiece Painting (only painted masterpiece buff)


French (Candyman gaming)

Available as long as the EA buffs are active.

So now Caleb can obsess everyone about his promotion!

If you got suggestions for more sharing or interactions in general, just drop a comment.



Another great addition! There are several things that you could potentially add which build on the EA buffs. I know there are plenty; like "Brag about Extinguishing Fire" (confident) or "Obsess about recent fire" (tense), "Complain about losing popularity" (Get famous, celebrity level loss) etc. There are countless possibilities ^^ If this is just about "Sharing news on..." I might need to play a bit and see what might come up which could potentially fit.


Love the title of your mod.


Love this.


Just as a small suggestion building on the camping feedback (I haven't done this in a while so not sure if there are any buffs to link this too) but what if they could talk about trips and missing home when travelling to Salvadorada. Also perhaps brag about finding rare artifacts or complain if they came home with poor / fake artifacts. Perhaps even being able to mention seeing / speaking to the skeletons that guard the temple or swimming in the healing springs (I'm fairly sure there is a buff for this)


I translated this mod in french how do i send it to you ?


You can share it directly if you want, if you upload it to a file sharing site and pass the link i'll add it to the post.


I have an idea my sim just fininished strangerville and I can't brag about it ! would have been nice to "talk about the fight with the mother plant" or/and "brag about saving a town" and/or "complain about beeing possesed" and/or "warn the sim that he seems possessed" and/or "complain/brag about loosing/winning a fight with the mother plant ( or any other sim as well)" I also have an actor sim and I would love to be able to share that i got the audition or not


is there a way you can add something that would go with being pregnant like how long there pregnant stuff like that lol <3

Sheila Lobert

Is there a way to expand on/change ask about children/ siblings so that, instead of just telling you if they have any, it's more like you're asking how they're doing? I'm not sure exactly how this might look, but if I ask someone about their family, I'm not just asking if they have one.


hey Zero, i'm curious, that mod (as all your IR mods) are compatible with this one? http://modthesims.info/d/627991/chat-pack-more-social-interactions-for-your-sims-v1-8-5-optional-chilled-out-amp-super-chilled-out-versions.html


is this the most recent version of this mod I am making sure mods are up to date in my game and I am afraid I am having trouble figuring how I know when your mods are update I only recently found your mods a while back


This is the most recent but hasn't been updated in a while... Test it, it should still work. This is another one of those projects I made in the beginning I'd like to rework. I'll get to it sooner or later.


Hey! Is it possible to get this mod translated to Finnish? I have no idea how to do these things technically, but I would love to be able to help someone and translate this to Finnish for someone who knows how to do theses things! :)


I hope this mod isn't broken with the new patch. :D