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Parenthood Proximity Buff System Applied To Other Relationships

Have you present how Parenthood introduced that little buff Sims get from having a bad or good relationship with a family member?

I went in, and applied the same logic to all the relationships in game.

I was meaning to post it on MTS after my Vampires Mod but whatever…

What is this mod?

This mod will make so that every decision you take will have (mostly) long term consequences. No more breaking up in the morning, getting the bar up again in the afternoon, and getting married again in the evening… because the Sim you break up with will get a proximity buff around your Sim, as will your Sims around them.

Starting from the most neutral relationship:

- Friends and good friend get a +1 happy buff around each other.
- Lovebirds and up until Lovers get a +1 flirty buff
- Lovers get a +1 flirty buff
- Soulmates a +1 happy buff
This until they are not in a committed relationship.

For Girlfriend and boyfriend and up:

Nothing changes, but if the relationship starts to go down instead than up, they will feel bored. As it starts going into red, they will start to feel tense.

For married Sims is the same:

But if the relationship goes into dangerous red zone, they will feel VERY angry. 

A Soulmates Marriage gets a +1 Happy buff.

Special cases:

- Awkward relationship will feel embarrassed.

- Hot and cold have a randomized change to get bored, angry, flirty or tense.

- Enemies with benefits will get very flirty.

Broken up and Divorced Sims:

- In red: angry.
- With romance: sad
- Relationship starts working again: happy or in case of divorce very happy.
- Divorced friend will just get a small buff happy +1 "happily divorced"
- Awkward relationship broken up will feel embarrassed.

Despised/disliked sim: +1 tense
Enemies: +2 angry.


French by (Kamikosoma) - Chinese (GreenonionC) - Dutch (Terah)



Updated French translation



Hello would you accept a French translation of your mod? I present all the modders on my website: https://maiagame.fr If the modder wants it it it can import the translation in its mod otherwise I only share the STBL lines, no re upload on my site ^^ I already work with many modders. Thank you in advance for your answer ;-)


Hi, I can do the Brazillian Portuguese translation if you're interested! I loved your MOD it improves the game :D


I love that you’re making these mods. More complex relationships have seriously been lacking in the game. I don’t know if you’re taking any suggestions but I have some ideas for more varied and complex familial relationships if you’d like to hear them 😊


This mod looks so good I am thinking about downloading, does it just add buffs?


Yeah only buffs. But buffs are the main thing that controls the sims behaviour.


I canNOT believe I'm just not finding out about all of your mods, they are AHMAZINGGG I am SO excited to try all of them that I shut my game down right after starting gameplay after hearing about a review someone did on youtube (which takes like 15 minutes to do and another 20 to start back up-so I'm pretty excited lol)! Thank you so much!!!


Hi Zero, does the mods work on Macs? When I try it, it doesn't work :/


It should. I don't have a Mac to test it... Do you have scripted mods enabled?

Evangelina Silvercloud

Wow, a big WOWWW. Thank you so much for this (and all other) great mod(s).


this one was updated after the patch in this post. Ir cheating is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/share-more-news-31678159


How does this affect using the mod Meaningful Stories


MS will change my happy buffs into fine (I don't mind it, actually like it) but apart from that, it works well together.


Hi, Zero! Thanks for your awesome mods! You seems to be pleased for translations, so i made the Russian one... http://www.mediafire.com/file/9rjtlyw6ly1vytu/Zero_ImprovedRelationships_rus.package/file


I have installed this multiple times and it's just not working, I have mods enabled and the divorce mod is working. Is there anything that you know this could conflict with? I really want this in my game. Thanks :)


I made a Dutch translation of this mod: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MVP7_BHTrtWWp8mBP8flrbo52tUyByXo/view?usp=sharing


Such a simple adjustment that makes relationships more memorable and important. Thank you for sharing this.


Hi Zero, I have made a simplified Chinese version of your mod, here's the link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=16xmCprEskJni9cM3Mq2zCrlIzTWWGswO


Thanks... Can you send the link via private message though? Sometimes I read the comments from mobile and the lose/forget the translations posted in them.

Evangelina Silvercloud

This is such an incredible good mod. Thank you very much for the update. I wish you a good time. Best regards from Austria

Miguel M

Hi Zero, I absolutely love this mod. I've been making some small edits to the text to suit my personal preferences. I was wondering what the Faithful! text was used for and how I can trigger it?


Yes! thank you for updated it.. .. .. Will it be okay with Realistic Reactions Mod too? ( im using Teen prego one )


The promise to be faithful can be made between two sims who are in a relationship


I lost a bit track of that mod, but this one should be ok with everything, it doesn't replace anything in game.

Miguel M

I was trying to edit your Good Marriage buff with my own text but I'm getting a ''Small Rock Group 01 '' error in my moodlet = https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/596869879454498856/690560911965945946/unknown.png I was wondering how I may fix it and what I had done wrong. Also what is Faithful exactly? Is it a hidden trait? or a Relationship Bit? I can't seem to find out the interaction that will trigger it. Sorry for all the questions!


This mod is done with the constructor... I can't really support manually altering it... I can pass you the constructor files if you need.


Do we have to remove the IR - Cheating mod when putting this updated version in the game or is it ok to have both in the game?


omg yess :D


is this the most recent update?


I dont think i downloaded it correctly....it's not working for me


Hey have you seen the Mod Realistic reactions by Simsmodelsimmer? Is it similar to yours? Do you think it would conflict with yours. I haven't add this mod of yours yet. Still playing with your vampire mods (love them). Currently playing to see how KS slide of life mod works and if it's more than I want in my game play. I find MCCC has a hey day with my game lol


Is this mod working?


Realistic Reactions is a bit more in deep for some things, but they can be used together no problems.


would this work well if I have the slice of life fromkawaiistacie mode?


it's not working for me


Hello ... I think your mod is great ... can you maybe also make such a "Confess to Cheating" mod? With the traits "loyal" and "unfaithful"? Or is there already one? that also works.


Is this mod compatible with pancake1's Chemistry System? They both have a proximity buff and I was wondering if they work together...The mod conflict detector says there is no conflict, but I wasn't sure..


proximity buffs are attached to trait, these are custom traits so they'll work together just fine.

Sheila Lobert

I had some ideas for IR last night, if you're interested. If not, you won't hurt my feelings to ignore this. I'm not sure which would even be possible. Could you change elope/plan wedding to apply for marriage license and either apply for express marriage license (with a higher cost but quicker arrival) or [here's the part I'm not sure is possible] elope in Oasis Springs where you travel to OS and it works kind of like Vegas as a place you can get a quicky wedding? Also, could there be an option for pre-marital counseling that has a possibility to slow the couple's relationship decay (and maybe a tiny chance to backfire and reveal incompatability!) and/or add to the divorce mod the option for the petitioned party to beg partner to go to counseling or contest the divorce (each with costs and the possibility of positive or negative outcomes? And, finally, in divorce, is there any way to do some sort of set up custody arrangement where, perhaps, there is a timer based on season or days of the week where the child(ren) go into a rabbit hole with a mouse over (with co-parent) message? This is just what my mind does when I can't sleep. :-/


Is this mod working with the recent 6.3.2020 patch?


will this mod work with a polish version of the game?


Hi ! Just noticed the last string was missing the FR translation, so here are the updated FR strings : http://www.mediafire.com/file/sh80y8x2rf5blcb/!ZeroSims+-+Improved_Relationships+-+Traduction+FR+par+Kimikosoma+(16-09-2020).package/file Thank you for this great mod ! I love mods that bring much realism to our Sims' relationships


yeah, thanks... I added the last one manually in the update i did to fix the bug that was occurring.