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Hello everyone,

This month's release is characters only, intended for v0.42b.

Marie Rose is released instead of Jinx as I encountered technical problems with her models. 

Please find the download post here (v0.42b is required).


- Progress on v0.43 is not as smooth as I wanted, because the upgrades that I've commited to are much more complex in details. 

- I'm also not really satisfied with the quality of the characters right now. The current system is missing a lot of features, so Widowmaker is missing her tatoos and more.

- While working on characters doesn't take as much time as before, it does take my concentration away from the upgrades.

I'm trying my best to push v0.43 forward, but it's likely that some more delays will be needed.

Thank you for your patience and support during this time, I hope you'll enjoy v0.43 when it arrives!




late to the party here, but will support for a good long while just based on how many virtual loads I've blown all over Marie Rose lmao

Bradley Link

Will we get handjob and boobjob animations?


hey henry, any indication you're still working on the game would be great


And a size of character lock when changing poses?


How about a female Transformer-like, say a Sexy hentai Arcee? https://www.google.com/search?q=sexy+hentai+Arcee&sxsrf=ALiCzsbCd3ZFztvkpFKMip34g1sn6QVPfA:1658990813064&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjys-Sw_pr5AhWFk4kEHYrPCCEQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&cshid=1658990821482912&biw=1247&bih=673&dpr=1.5


is mans dead?


my money..


please add judy from cyberpunk 2077


Hay guise, I fard and also shid. Sometimes both at the same time. Later, virgins!