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Hey everyone!

2B and Tifa join Aerith in this release, along with many bug fixes and tweaks. Please refer to the release posts for your download link!

As for me, before my hiatus things was going well. Patreon support was growing and though there was stressful periods, I managed to pushed through. Then a number of unexpected events took me out of action.

The pandemic was troublesome, but the underlying fatigue and my own personal life also hit hard. I thought I would be occupied for a short while, but things just kept spiraling out of control. Eventually I came back with fresh eyes, and there was a few problems.

- The game didn't look great.

- The workload was dead heavy.

- I feel terrible returning after so long with nothing to show for it.

I needed to fix this, and that means solving several hard technical problems (mainly rendering and automation). I'm happy that it did, but TF simply wasn't meant to become a big project, it started as a simple fluid sim test (v0.1).

I had a hard time, months and months of grueling work, full of frustration and anxiety. So many parts of this has never been done before (by anyone), and it took several failures for anything to start working. Somehow, everything did come together. 

All in all, v0.4 took longer than the rest combined.

It was worth it for me, not just because development can continue more smoothly. Personally, I love these girls, they deserve to look as beautiful and feel as real as possible. Every girls benefit from these improvements too, so Elizabeth, Lara... and future girls will look and feel much better too. 

Many thanks to everyone on Discord for helping me fix the crash that would have made this a very disappointing release. For now, I'll try to get some rest while working out Patreon polls, commissions and so on so you can play with your girls in the new version too! 

Thank you for your patience and support! 




I think I can say for all of us that we're glad to have you back and the new true facials was so worth the wait!




This is beautiful, dude. I'm so happy that I had faith in you and this project. The fact that you have returned is a blessing itself, but the fact that you came back with such a banger of an update... it's enough to make a grown man cry. I truly mean it when I say I'm incredibly grateful to be a supporter!


Its good to have you coming back Henry, I was thinking the pandemic might beat you down. And the new release looks really tasty, though im too broke to support you more. ( What i was saying that the cloud looks really cute, maybe we can have him as one of our gurls? I hope its not offensive, since Taiwan approves homo :p


How do you change characters?


I am enjoying this update but to be honest, I liked some of the controls from v0.39 better :/


glad to see you back! wish you all good for now on. here, have a chicken cookie! (i know, it sound disgusting but heh.. chicken is awesome :D)


Your game is amazing ! The graphics are great ! It's funny and sexy ! I love it ! Can I make a few videos of it ? (knowing that I'm making a bit of ads revenues from that by posting on porn website)


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