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Hey guys, the past month has been pretty horrific for me and I've been trying to make sense of it.

Throughout the month I've been strangely ineffective and unable to focus. Even with Discord off (doesn't help much), things takes so much longer than I expect and more stuff kept getting pushed further and further behind. 

It got to me, I was really frustrated and burned out, even taking time off didn't help because it's so hard to load everything into my head again.

With some reflection I've found my mistake: trying to do too many things at once.

The way I've been thinking up to this point has worked well for the state of the project, but now it's failing hard. Moreover, new stuff like our polls are also spreading my time and focus extremely thin, which I did not expect. 

Last update I managed to hold things together, but this one broke me completely. 

To move forward, I'll fix this by:

- Not trying to improve everything with each update - I've been in this mode since the beginning, it's clearly no longer possible.

- Not trying to add big features with each update - this is me wanting the perfect game without realizing I'm the guy doing it, so we end up with hacky and unreliable solutions.

- Pausing polls for focus and natural features progression - this is our best path for now, as we have more manpower to support them they'll start up again.

- Practical communication - I'll refrain from posting "plans"(it's more of a wish-list) before each updates as it misled people and create unnecessary stress. This will allow me to more post more freely about what I've done/trying to do on Discord/Patreon.

- More dedicated time for bug-fixing/polish: increase Early Access period to 5 days so the builds are up to standard. Rushing hurt the last update a lot.

With these changes, we will reliably have on time releases with incremental improvements, starting with the next one

Thank you for your support and for allowing me the chance to screw up and learn. It has not been a smooth turn but I'm trying hard to get back on track.  



Glad to hear your improving your mental fatigue! Burnout is very real in this market. Thanks for your hard work!


soo no update this month? since two weeks im a like stoping by every 3 hours to look for the update, because your work is soo pretty damn good. keep on to find your pace. but if you get problems with your goals and your mentioned milestones please reconsider your benefits system and your overall time schedule.


I'm so sorry for that man, I've been trying to release the whole month too. I'll also try to improve things on Patreon, hopefully working around its rigidity a bit.