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Welcome to our first Features poll! 

- Base of 3 to 5 features from me.

- King patrons can comment to add a new choice (likes counted as vote). 

- Limit of 10 choices, with one vote per patron. 


- Choices will be added if they're achievable in the current state.

- Features can be broad (e.g. Improve Controls) or specific (Add first person cam).

- If not fully completed, the next stages of a feature can be voted on in the next polls.

Planned features:

- Animation system: enabling more complex interactions.

P.S: this first poll will run for 1 week rather than 2, I'll be working on planned features as it's active.



King patrons can comment here to add more choices! Likes are counted as votes.


Could the improve fluids work with choosing how much you want to shoot out like a little to a lot?

Bbq Reddit

Not adding anything but campaigning extremely hard for more hands (handjob) votes!!