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Hi guys - without going into it too much, I'm really pretty ill at the moment without much way to know when things are going to get better. Could potentially be weeks.

This month is going to be slow in terms of updates - I have a handful of backlogged art I can post, and luckily the first round of sketch requests are already done.

I'll put out the call for Tier 3 sketch requests as usual and if I'm unable to finish them by the end of the month, I'll make sure that when they are done, they're passed to Patrons whether they're still subscribed or not.

If it looks like I won't be able to deliver next month, I'll pause the Patreon.

Sorry for the dour tone and sorry for letting anyone down.




It's all good, please take care of yourself and get well soon 🫂


Everybody has already covered this but I was going to say the same thing make sure you focus on your health first, we love your art I hope you get well soon! I ended up getting sick as well over the last several days definitely not fun…