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Wanted to share this from Twitter because it sounds like it could be fun to share and ask about!

What are your favourite animated crushes from back in the day and why? - they might just get sketched if there are some really convincing reasons!

May (Pokemon) - controversial one, but I love her design even more than Misty, she got some great outfits in the show, too.

Starfire (Teen Titans) - pretty, happy, bare midriff, not sure what else you'd need

Katara (Avatar) - again, do I need to explain?

Anna (Shaman King) - probably the only one here that might not be extremely common. But she was bossy, badass and really cute.




Hmmmm, Kairi from season 2 of Digimon, and Rika and Renamon from season three of the same, Aisha Clan-Clan from Outlaw Star, Misty from Pokémon (May was also really cute, but I wasn't really watching the Pokémon anime anymore by the time she debuted in the show), Nala from The Lion King Those are the ones that stick out in my memory right now at least.


Going roughly chronologically, my first animated crush was Black Cat from the 90s Spiderman show. The animators there definitely knew what they were doing. After that it was Blue Mary from King of Fighters, there was a specific animation of her tossing off her jacket at the start of battle that always got me. Android 18 from DBZ was another big one, I was a huge Vegeta fanboy and watching her destroy him made me feel some strange feelings. Last but not least, Rikku from Final Fantasy 10. There's a scene of her stripping off her wetsuit that lived rent free in my head for long after.