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 September has been a big month! The new tier has been great success, thankyou to everyone who has joined and upgraded, and thanks just as much to those still in the Ripped Abs tier - hope you're still enjoying the sketch requests! 

 I'm busy with commissions right now, with the full five slots I opened filling up. Including a few other ideas I'm working on, I have what i think is a record of 9 drawings in progress at once (I'll have to focus on one at a time eventually). I'm really looking to post finished drawings more often and all your support helps me do that. 

 As for October, there will be some writing coming out, I can promise that! I'm also aiming for 6-8 finished artworks instead of the usual 4. There will also likely be another call for commissions later in the month and again, Chiselled Washboard (tier 3) patrons will get priority and discounts. 

 I alluded to this before but September has seen the biggest growth in the patron for a long time. With your support I can dedicate more time to producing the artwork we all enjoy. Your support, whether its here or by following and reposting on twitter and deviantart is always extremely appreciated! Thankyou!

- Sandspire


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