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Hi everybody - I wanted to write a little update to keep you informed on what I'm working on going forward, and to specify the changes to Patreon going forward.

There will be two calls for sketch requests next month, one where both £8 and £4 patrons can request sketches, then later in the month there'll be a separate call for £8 patrons second requests.

I'm also excited to announce that we'll be running polls on here for the subject of the Theme Challenge on Discord - this was a really popular part of the discord in the past where anybody can submit a photo or artwork based on whatever muscle-girl related theme is active. The theme will change every two weeks, and at the end of each, a random entrant will get an extra free sketch request! (You don't even need to be a patron for this, just be in the discord).

The Ellie story is coming along nicely - I'd like to finish it next month but can't promise anything.

Upcoming artwork includes some Persona fan art, a bit more RWBY and I'd like to continue with my original characters very soon.

£8 Patrons will also be eligible for commission discounts - I have a busy month ahead but I'm hoping to open commissions later in the month.

Thanks again for your support and please share this wherever you can!


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